Search T10 Document Register

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If you enter data in a field, then that data must exactly match some portion of the corresponding field in a matching record. Records matching the search specification will be reported in reverse document number order.

AND conditions are separated by a + character. To search for documents containing both the words "minutes" and "T10" in the document description, use:

     minutes + t10

Note: This search facility only searches for proposals. It does not search for working drafts.

Search Specification
Document Description
Case Sensitive
Case Sensitive
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Search Spec
Leave the Newest field blank to search all documents or enter yyyy-nnn to search documents beginnning with that document number.

If you know the document number or part of it, use the Search Spec field (e.g., 02-123r1, 123r2, 123, r9, 04-r8).

Revisions All - show all matching revisions of each document number.
Highest - show only the highest matching revision of each document number.
Documents Maximum number of documents to display at a time.

Search Results
Description Author File Type
and Size
23-002R0 2022/12/08 Meeting Announcement: T10 Week Jan 9-13, 2023 -- Irvine Curtis Stevens PDF (62819)
23-001R0 2022/12/05 Agenda for T10 meeting #173 William Martin PDF (209271)
22-118R0 2022/11/09 SNIA Liaison Report - November 2022 Frederick Knight PDF (964415)
22-117R0 2022/11/09 STA Liaison Report to T10 November 2022 Cameron Brett PPTX (56953)
22-117R0 2022/11/09 STA Liaison Report to T10 November 2022 Cameron Brett PDF (310419)
22-116R1 2022/11/09 SAT-5 r7 Ignores the ACS-5 Command Duration Limits bit named Rounding Behavior Ralph Weber PDF (82287)
22-115R0 2022/11/03 SAT-5r7 Editorial Review Curtis Stevens FDF (6787)
22-115R0 2022/11/03 SAT-5r7 Editorial Review Curtis Stevens PDF (141516)
22-114R0 2022/11/02 Minutes: SCSI CAP Adhoc - November 8 - 9, 2022 Curtis Stevens HTM (65403)
22-114R0 2022/11/02 Minutes: SCSI CAP Adhoc - November 8 - 9, 2022 Curtis Stevens PDF (283652)

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