Search T10 Document Register

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If you enter data in a field, then that data must exactly match some portion of the corresponding field in a matching record. Records matching the search specification will be reported in reverse document number order.

AND conditions are separated by a + character. To search for documents containing both the words "minutes" and "T10" in the document description, use:

     minutes + t10

Note: This search facility only searches for proposals. It does not search for working drafts.

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Leave the Newest field blank to search all documents or enter yyyy-nnn to search documents beginnning with that document number.

If you know the document number or part of it, use the Search Spec field (e.g., 02-123r1, 123r2, 123, r9, 04-r8).

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Search Results
Description Author File Type
and Size
23-079R3 2024/01/22 Project Proposal: SCSI Primary Commands - 7 (SPC-7) Ralph Weber PDF (1180826)
23-078R1 2023/11/09 SBC-5 Nitpicking in the Stream Control model Ralph Weber PDF (98974)
23-077R2 2024/03/11 SAT-6 SATL manages NCQ ATA PASS-THROUGH commands Ralph Weber PDF (86215)
23-076R1 2023/11/09 SBC-5 Nitpicking the Grouping Functions model Ralph Weber PDF (85032)
23-075R1 2023/10/31 Command Duration Limits Policy Additions Jeff Boutiette PDF (251832)
23-074R0 2023/10/28 SAT-6 Add ATA READ LOG DMA EXT Command Ralph Weber PDF (100163)
23-073R1 2023/11/08 SBC5: CAPPID Modifications William Martin PDF (216563)
23-072R0 2023/10/25 SPC-6 TEST UNIT READY for Depop et al. Ralph Weber PDF (82056)
23-071R0 2023/10/24 SBC-5, SPC-6: Interrupted Depopulation and Interrupted Restoration Ralph Weber PDF (93967)
23-070R0 2023/10/10 Interim ISO/IEC Status Report Ralph Weber PDF (61676)

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