
Draft Agenda for T10 Plenary Meeting #186
March 11, 2025 -- Virtual
2:00 PST - 4:00 PST
Webex link

1.   Opening Remarks 
2.   Approval of Agenda
3.   Attendance, Membership, Attendance Jeopardy, and Letter Ballot Jeopardy
4.   Approval of Minutes - November 6, 2024 - Hybrid (T10/24-079r0)
5.   Review of Old Action Items
6.   INCITS Code of Conduct
7.   INCITS Antitrust Guidelines
8.   Call for Patents
9.   Document Distribution
10.   Project Status Reports
10.1   Project Status Summary and INCITS Liaison [Martin]
10.2  Serial Attached SCSI - 5 (SAS-5) BSR INCITS 561 [Weber]
10.3  SCSI Primary Commands - 6 (SPC-6) BSR INCITS 566 [Weber] 
10.4  SCSI Block Commands - 5 (SBC-5) BSR 571 [Martin]
10.5  SCSI to ATA Translation - 6 (SAT-6) BSR INCITS 578 [Stevens]
10.6  Zoned Block Commands - 3 (ZBC-3) BSR INCITS 579 [Weber]
10.7  SCSI Stream Commands - 5 Amendment (SSC-5 AM1) BSR INCITS 503 AM1 [Butt]
10.8  SCSI to NVMe Translation (SNT) BSR INCITS 584 [Stevens]
10.9  SCSI Primary Commands - 7 (SPC-7) BSR INCITS 586 [Weber]
10.10 SCSI Block Commands - 6 (SBC-6) [Boutiette]
11.  Old Business
12.  New Business
12.1  Actions on CAP Working Group Recommendations
13.  Liaison Reports
13.1  T11 Liaison Report [Johnson]
13.2  T13 Liaison Report [Weber]
13.3  T10 IR Report [Knight]
13.3.1  ZBC-2 ISO/IEC 14776-346 [Weber]
13.4  SCSI Trade Association (STA)  [Brett]
13.5  SNIA [Martin]
13.6  DMTF [Geldman]
14.  Review of Action Items
15.  Meeting Schedule
15.1  Authorization of Working Group Meetings and Conference Calls
15.2  Long-term T10 meeting week schedule
16.  Adjournment