Accredited Standards Committee*
InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)

                                                      Doc. No.: T10/04-226r0
                                                          Date: July 15, 2004
                                                      Reply to: John Lohmeyer
To:       T10 Membership
From:     Mark Evans and John Lohmeyer
Subject:  SAT SG -- July 13, 2004
          Colorado Springs, CO

1.  Opening Remarks
2.  Approval of Agenda
3.  Attendance and Membership
4.  Old Business
4.1   SAT: Project Proposal for SCSI / ATA Translation (SAT) (04-174r2)
5.  New Business
5.1   SAT: SCSI / ATA Translation Initial Draft (04-196r0) [Sheffield]
5.2   SAT: ATA Pass-through commands [Livaccari]
5.3   SAT INQUIRY contents (04-218r0) [Elliott]
5.4   SAT SPC-3 ATA Information VPD page (04-219r0) [Elliott]
6.  Review of Recommendations
7.  Meeting Schedule
8.  Adjournment

Results of Meeting

1.  Opening Remarks

John Lohmeyer called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, June 13, 2004.
He thanked LSI Logic for hosting the meeting. As usual, the people present
introduced themselves.  John reminded the group that this is a study group
meeting.  This will become a working group when the project proposal is

2.  Approval of Agenda

The draft agenda was approved with no changes.

No items were added or revised during the course of the meeting.

3.  Attendance and Membership

Attendance at study group meetings does not count toward minimum attendance
requirements for T10 membership. Study group meetings are open to any person
or organization directly and materially affected by T10's scope of work. The
following people attended the meeting:

        Name          S        Organization         Electronic Mail Address
---------------------- -- ------------------------- -------------------------
Mr. Kyle Sterling      V  Adaptec, Inc.             kyle_sterling at adaptec
                                                    dot com
Mr. Haluk Aytac        V  AMCC                      haytac at amcc dot com
Mr. Robert Snively     P  Brocade Comm. Systems,    rsnively at brocade dot
                          Inc.                      com
Mr. Kevin Marks        P  Dell, Inc.                kevin_marks at dell dot
Mr. Kenneth Hirata     A  Emulex                    Ken dot Hirata at Emulex
                                                    dot com
Mr. Curtis Nottberg    V  Emulex                    curtis dot nottberg at
                                                    emulex dot com
Mr. Ralph O. Weber     P  ENDL Texas                roweber at ieee dot org
Mr. Mike Fitzpatrick   P  Fujitsu                   mfitzpatrick at fcpa dot
                                                    fujitsu dot com
Mr. Rob Elliott        P  Hewlett Packard Co.       Elliott at hp dot com
Mr. Steven Fairchild   V  Hewlett Packard Co.       Steve dot Fairchild at
                                                    hp dot com
Mr. Dan Colegrove      P  Hitachi Global Storage    daniel dot colegrove at
                          Tech.                     hgst dot com
Mr. George O. Penokie  P  IBM / Tivoli Systems      gop at us dot ibm dot com
Mr. Dave Draggon       V  intel                     dave dot a dot draggon
                                                    at intel dot com
Mr. Robert Sheffield   P  Intel Corp.               robert dot l dot
                                                    sheffield at intel dot
Mr. Roger Jeppsen      AV Intel Corporation         roger dot c dot jeppsen
                                                    at intel dot com
Mr. David Hawks        P  Iomega Corp.              hawks at iomega dot com
Mr. Joe Breher         V  Lingua Data               joe at q-music dot com
Mr. Samantha Ranaweera V  LSI Logic Corp            sranawee at lsil dot com
Mr. Brad Besmer        V  LSI Logic Corp.           brad dot besmer at lsil
                                                    dot com
Mr. Steve Johnson      V  LSI Logic Corp.           sjohnson at lsil dot com
Mr. John Lohmeyer      P  LSI Logic Corp.           lohmeyer at t10 dot org
Mr. Martin Czekalski   A  Maxtor Corp.              marty_czekalski at
                                                    maxtor dot com
Mr. Mark Evans         P  Maxtor Corp.              mark_evans at maxtor dot
Mr. Jeff Mastro        A  Microsoft Corp.           jmastro at microsoft dot
Mr. Edward A. Gardner  V  Ophidian Designs          eag at ophidian dot com
Mr. Greg Elkins        V  QLogic Corp.              greg dot elkins at
                                                    qlogic dot com
Mr. Gerald Houlder     P  Seagate Technology        gerry dot houlder at
                                                    seagate dot com
Mr. Steven Sletten     V  Sun Microsystems, Inc.    steven dot sletten at
                                                    sun dot com
Mr. Yutaka Arakawa     P  Toshiba                   yutaka dot arakawa at
                                                    tais dot toshiba dot com
Mr. Curtis Stevens     AV Western Digital           Curtis dot Stevens at
                                                    wdc dot com
Mr. Nigel Hart         V  Xyratex                   nigel_hart at xyratex
                                                    dot com
Mr. Rich Ramos         V  Xyratex                   rich_ramos at us dot
                                                    xyratex dot com

32 People Present

Status Key:  P    -  Principal
             A,A# -  Alternate
             AV   -  Advisory Member
             L    -  Liaison
             V    -  Visitor

4.  Old Business

4.1 SAT: Project Proposal for SCSI / ATA Translation (SAT) (04-174r2)

Ralph Weber mentioned that the document number on the proposal needs to be
corrected and that there were other minor editorial corrections required.  Bob
Sheffield and John Lohmeyer said that they would make the necessary
corrections and make a new revision of the document. (However, Ralph Weber
beat them to it.)

John Lohmeyer moved that the project proposal as modified (04-174r3) be
recommend for forwarding to INCITS by the T10 plenary.  Ralph Weber seconded
the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

5.  New Business

5.1 SAT: SCSI / ATA Translation Initial Draft (04-196r0) [Sheffield]

Bob Sheffield presented his proposal that is a candidate to become the first
draft of the project.  Most of the discussion was about what topics should be
described in the standard (e.g., the mapping of queued features from SCSI to
take advantage of SATA Native Command Queuing and the processing of task
management functions).

Bob agreed to prepare a new revision of the proposal including input from the
group.  Assuming the project proposal is forwarded by the plenary and approved
by INCITS, this will be revision 0 of the draft standard.

5.2 SAT: ATA Pass-through commands [Livaccari]

Due to the late hour, discussion of this topic was deferred to the next

5.3 SAT INQUIRY contents (04-218r0) [Elliott]

Rob Elliott presented his proposal (04-218r0) mapping standard INQUIRY data
from the SAT translator.  There was discussion about whether this data should
reflect the translator or the ATA devices below the translator.

Rob agreed to prepare a new revision of the proposal including input from the

5.4 SAT SPC-3 ATA Information VPD page (04-219r0) [Elliott]

Rob Elliott briefly reviewed his proposal (04-219r0) mapping standard VPD data
from the SAT translator.

Rob agreed to prepare a new revision of the proposal including input from the

6.  Review of Recommendations

Mark Evans noted that the following recommendation was made to the T10

  Project Proposal for SAT (04-174r3) [Sheffield] {r2 as modified, unanimous}

7.  Meeting Schedule

SAT Working Group meetings are scheduled for:

Thursday, August 26, 2004 commencing at 1:00 PM in Boulder, CO at the
Boulderado Hotel (800-433-4344), hosted by Maxtor Corporation.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004 commencing at 9:00 a.m. in Nashua, NH at the
Crowne Plaza Hotel (603-886-
1200), hosted by Hitachi Cable Manchester.

The group will hold a teleconference on August 12th, with details on the T10
web site.

Additional teleconference calls may be announced on the T10 reflector as

8.  Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM on Tuesday, July 13, 2004.