Accredited Standards Committee*
InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)

                                                 Doc. No.: T10/06-417r1
                                                     Date: September 25, 2006
                                                 Reply to: John Lohmeyer

To:       T10 Membership
From:     Ralph Weber / John Lohmeyer
Subject:  Minutes of T10 Plenary Meeting #75 -- September 14, 2006
          Nashua, NH

1.     Opening Remarks
2.     Approval of Agenda
3.     Attendance and Membership
4.     Approval of Minutes - July 2006 - Colorado Springs, CO (T10/06-319r0)
5.     Document Distribution
6.     Call for Patents
7.     Review of Old Action Items
8.     Project Status Reports
8.1      Project Status Summary and INCITS Liaison [Lohmeyer]
8.1.1      INCITS Antitrust Guidelines
8.2      Bridge Controller Commands (BCC) Project 1528-D [Elliott]
8.3      SCSI Enclosure Services - 2 (SES-2) Project 1559-D [Elliott]
8.4      SCSI Stream Commands - 3 (SSC-3) Project 1611-D [Peterson]
8.5      MultiMedia Command Set - 5 (MMC-5) Project 1675-D [McFerrin]
8.6      SCSI Architecture Model - 4 (SAM-4) Project 1683-D [Penokie]
8.7      SCSI / ATA Translation (SAT) Project 1711-D [Sheffield]
8.8      Object-Based Storage Devices - 2 (OSD-2) Project 1729-D [Weber]
8.9      SCSI Media Changer Command Set - 3 (SMC-3) Project 1730-D [Banther]
8.10     SCSI Primary Commands - 4 (SPC-4) Project 1731-D [Weber]
8.11     Serial Attached SCSI Driver Interface (SDI) Project 1740-D [Elliott]
8.12     Automation/Drive Interface - Commands - 2 (ADC-2) Project 1741-D
8.13     Automation/Drive Interface - Transport Protocol - 2 (ADT-2) Project
1742-D [Suhler]
8.14     Serial Attached SCSI - 2 (SAS-2) Project 1760-D [Elliott]
8.15     SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3) Project 1799-D [Penokie]
8.16     SCSI / ATA Translation - 2 (SAT-2) Project 1826-D [Overby]
8.17     Fibre Channel Protocol - 4 (FCP-4) Project 1828-D [Peterson]
8.18     MultiMedia Command Set - 6 (MMC-6) Project 1836-D [McFerrin]
9.     Old Business
10.    New Business
10.1     Five-Year Maintenance Review of INCITS/T10 Standards (06-403r0)
10.2     Actions on SAS Protocol Working Group Recommendations
10.3     Actions on SAS PHY Working Group Recommendations
10.4     Actions on SAT Working Group Recommendations
10.5     Actions on CAP Working Group Recommendations
10.6     Actions on Other Working Group Recommendations
10.7     Potential Liaison with MIPI Alliance (06-379r0)
11.    ISO/IEC
11.1     ISO/IEC Report [Robinson]
11.2     ISO/IEC Business [Robinson]
11.2.1     ISO/IEC FCD 24739-1, ATA/ATAPI-7 V1
11.2.2     ISO/IEC FCD 14776-121 PIP
12.    Liaison Reports
12.1     T11 Liaison Report [Snively]
12.2     T13 Liaison Report [Colegrove]
12.3     SFF Industry Group [Allan]
12.4     SCSI Trade Association (STA) [Czekalski]
12.5     IETF SCSI over IP [Black/Robinson]
12.6     SNIA [open]
12.7     Trusted Computing Group [Cummings/Fitzpatrick]
12.8     IEEE P1667 [Shimor]
13.    Review of Action Items
14.    Meeting Schedule
14.1     Authorization of Working Group Meetings
15.    Adjournment

Results of Meeting

1.     Opening Remarks

John Lohmeyer, the T10 Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.,
Thursday September 14, 2006. He thanked Zane Daggett of Hitachi Cable
Manchester for hosting the meeting.

John said that INCITS subgroup membership forms and the T10 document
subscription forms are available on the meeting web site. He said that people
should use these forms to ensure the INCITS Secretariat has the latest
membership information. These forms should be mailed directly to the INCITS

As is customary, the people attending introduced themselves. Attendance was
taken electronically via the meeting web site.

2.     Approval of Agenda

No additions/changes were made to the draft agenda.

John Lohmeyer moved and Ralph Weber seconded that the agenda be approved. In
the absence of any objections, the motion passed unanimously.

The following items were added or modified in the agenda during the course of
the meeting:

11.2.2     ISO/IEC FCD 14776-121 PIP

3.     Attendance and Membership

The membership requirements were reviewed. INCITS rules permit one vote per
organization. An individual from a new organization must attend two out of
three consecutive plenary meetings. He/she may apply for voting membership the
second meeting via a letter to the Chair of T10. The individual may begin
voting at the beginning of his/her second meeting. People who continue to
attend T10 meetings are expected to join T10 and to pay INCITS Service Fees.

To maintain membership, organizations must pay the INCITS Service Fee ($800
per year).

John briefly discussed the mailing fees. Complete pricing information is
contained in the 2006 membership form (available at

There are also minimum attendance requirements to maintain voting membership
on T10. If a member organization fails to attend two of the last three T10
meetings, they are warned that failing to attend the next T10 meeting would
result in their membership being terminated.

The Chair said he had sent emails to 14 people from 8 organizations informing
them that their membership was in jeopardy due to non-attendance (see
06-353r0) and that their membership would be terminated if they did not attend
this meeting. The following organizations were in attendance jeopardy:

Broadcom Corp.
General Dynamics
Hitachi Cable Manchester
Iomega Corp.
QLogic Corp.
Texas Instruments

All organizations in attendance jeopardy were present except:

Broadcom Corp.
QLogic Corp.

Craig Carlson requested by email that the QLogic membership be changed to

The organizations that were not present had their representatives changed to
Advisory (non-voting) status.

John Lohmeyer called for requests to join the committee. The following
organizations joined at this meeting:


The T10 membership during the meeting was 46 organizations, down from the 47
member organizations extant at the time the meeting was convened. Enclosure
(1) is the list of the people present at the meeting and enclosure (2) is the
current T10 membership list.

John Lohmeyer reminded members that failure to vote on two out of the last
three letter ballots also would result in membership jeopardy. The current
letter ballot jeopardy status is as shown:

T10 Letter Ballot Jeopardy Report -- 2006/05/05

                          Ballot:  06-184r0
                          Report:  06-185r0
                         Acronym:  FCP-3         SAT           MMC-5
---------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------

Yes    Organization voted Yes
No     Organization voted No
Abs    Organization voted Abstain
DNV    Organization failed to return letter ballot
--     Organization was not a voting member for the letter ballot
(*)    Organization is in letter ballot jeopardy

4.     Approval of Minutes - July 2006 - Colorado Springs, CO (T10/06-319r0)

John Lohmeyer moved and Ralph Weber seconded that the minutes be approved as
written. In the absence of any objections, the motion passed unanimously.

5.     Document Distribution

Members who have any problems with their mailing subscription should deal
directly with Parthenia Purnell ( (202) 626-5741. A
subscription form is included on the meeting disk.

John Lohmeyer requested that all documents for the next mailing be uploaded to
the T10 web site by 10:30 a.m. on Thursday September 21, 2006. Documents
received after this time may go into a subsequent mailing.

John reminded the committee of the requirements for document submission. Since
T10 meets its document retention requirements by preparing mailings, documents
included in the mailing must be suitable for archiving. This means that
Portable Document Format (PDF) and/or native-format electronic originals with
proper identification must be submitted.

People can obtain T10 document numbers for new and revised T10 documents by
filling out a web form at The assigned T10
document number will be sent to the requestor by e-mail. The requestor may
then reply to this email, including the document to be posted as an
attachment. The document will be automatically posted on the T10 web site.

T10 members can complete this entire process using their personal T10
password. John explained that members who do not know their password should
surf to the above URL and click on the "forgot password" link to have their
password sent to them via e-mail.

John noted that non-members can also use the above document number process,
but their requests will require approval by an administrator.

Minutes are available on the T10 World Wide Web page (see below), and are
distributed to the T10 Reflector.

To be added to the T10 Reflector, send an e-mail to with the
line 'subscribe t10' in the message body.

The INCITS Secretariat maintains a World Wide Web page at:

LSI Logic maintains a web site on behalf of T10 on a server donated by the
SCSI Trade Association at:

There is also a mirror site at:

The T10 document register is available at:

6.     Call for Patents

John Lohmeyer explained that this is a regular agenda item to identify any
potential patent issues with developing standards and technical reports.

For additional information on ANSI procedures and the ANSI patent policy,
please see the INCITS web page at The contact
for INCITS patent issues is Lynn Barra (lbarra at itic dot org) or (202)
626-5739. Gene Milligan prepared a useful "Handy dandy Technical Committee's
Patents Guide", which is available at

John Lohmeyer presented a summary of the ANSI patent policy prepared by Gary
Robinson. The summary is also included on the Rules and Procedures (plus
Patent Information) page on the T10 web site.

Bob Sheffield reminded the committee that a statement of the Intel patent
policy can be found in T10/01-041r0.

John asked that anyone who knows of other applicable patents to contact him.

There were no other responses to the call for patents other than those
mentioned above.

7.     Review of Old Action Items

637    John Lohmeyer will report to INCITS that T10 has appointed Avraham
Shimor as the T10 liaison to IEEE P1667. Complete.
638    John Lohmeyer will add an IEEE P1667 liaison report to the next T10
agenda. Complete.
639    Bill McFerrin will produce MMC-5 revision 3b. Complete.
640    John Lohmeyer will forward MMC-5 Rev 3b to INCITS for further
processing toward first public review. Complete.
641    Gary Robinson will notify INCITS that T10 recommends that the JTC1/SC25
TAG vote to approve ISO/IEC FCD 24740: 25n1164, Information technology -
Responsive Link, project Complete.
642    Gary Robinson will notify INCITS that T10 recommends that David
Peterson be added the September SC 25 delegation, making the delegation:
Robert Snively (Head of Delegation), Roger Cummings, Claudio DeSanti, Horst
Truestedt, Mark Overby, and David Peterson. Complete.
643    Gary Robinson will contact the SBP-3 editor regarding the ISO status of
SBP-3 and prepare a motion for T10 action in September. Carryover.

8.     Project Status Reports

8.1    Project Status Summary and INCITS Liaison [Lohmeyer]

John Lohmeyer said that the current T10 project status summary was included on
the meeting web site and will be included in the mailing as usual.

8.1.1  INCITS Antitrust Guidelines

All T10 members should be aware of the INCITS antitrust guidelines available

John reminded committee members that all persons present at a T10 meeting are
responsible for identifying potential violations of the antitrust guidelines
and reporting them to the chair. Discussions of the following topics are
considered sensitive:

    * Any company's prices or pricing policies;
    * Specific R&D, sales and marketing plans;
    * Any company's confidential product, product development or production
    * Whether certain suppliers or customers will be served;
    * Prices paid to input sources; or
    * Complaints about individual firms or other actions that might tend to
    hinder a competitor in any market.

8.2    Bridge Controller Commands (BCC) Project 1528-D [Elliott]

Rob Elliott reported that there has been no activity on BCC and that the
anticipated forwarding date should be revised from November 2006 to July 2008.

8.3    SCSI Enclosure Services - 2 (SES-2) Project 1559-D [Elliott]

Rob Elliott reported that no proposals have been approved for SES-2 and no new
working draft revision needs to be prepared. Rob noted that he expects a
forwarding letter ballot on SES-2 following the July 2008 meeting.

8.4    SCSI Stream Commands - 3 (SSC-3) Project 1611-D [Peterson]

Dave Peterson reported on the activities of the SSC-3 working group (minutes
in 06-434r0.

8.5    MultiMedia Command Set - 5 (MMC-5) Project 1675-D [McFerrin]

John Lohmeyer reported that the MMC-5 first public review ends October 2,

8.6    SCSI Architecture Model - 4 (SAM-4) Project 1683-D [Penokie]

George Penokie reported that no proposals were accepted for SAM-4 at this
meeting and so no new revision will be posted before the next meeting.

8.7    SCSI / ATA Translation (SAT) Project 1711-D [Sheffield]

Bob Sheffield reported that the SAT working group (minutes in 06-381r0 and
06-415r0) recommended forwarding SAT r09 to first public review on a vote of
10:1:1. He further noted a 6:1:3 vote which recommended accepting 06-378r1 as
correcting errors found in interim SAT drafts.

Bob Sheffield moved that 06-378r1 be accepted as resolving the
SAT letter ballot comments and that SAT r09 be forwarded to INCITS for further
processing towards first public review. Mark Overby seconded the motion. The
motion passed on a vote of 37:0:1:8:=46.

In view of the successful resolution of his letter ballot comments Kevin Marks
asked that the Dell No vote on the letter ballot be changed to a Yes. In view
of the successful resolution of his letter ballot comments Ralph Weber asked
that the ENDL No vote on the letter ballot be changed to a Yes. In view of the
successful resolution of his letter ballot comments Rob Elliott asked that the
Hewlett Packard No vote on the letter ballot be changed to a Yes. In view of
the successful resolution of his letter ballot comments George Penokie asked
that the IBM No vote on the letter ballot be changed to a Yes. In view of the
successful resolution of his letter ballot comments John Lohmeyer asked that
the LSI Logic No vote on the letter ballot be changed to a Yes. In view of the
successful resolution of his letter ballot comments Robert Sheffield asked
that the Intel No vote on the letter ballot be changed to a Yes. In view of
the successful resolution of his letter ballot comments Gerry Houlder asked
that the Maxtor No vote on the letter ballot be changed to a Yes (note Seagate
acquired Maxtor during the interval in which the SAT letter ballot comments
were resolved). In view of the successful resolution of his letter ballot
comments Mark Overby asked that the Nvidia No vote on the letter ballot be
changed to a Yes. In view of the successful resolution of his letter ballot
comments Curtis Stevens asked that the Western Digital No vote on the letter
ballot be changed to a Yes.

John Lohmeyer took an action item to forward SAT r09 to INCITS for further
processing towards first public review.

8.8    Object-Based Storage Devices - 2 (OSD-2) Project 1729-D [Weber]

Ralph Weber reported that five OSD-2 proposals had been deferred due to
insufficient CAP meeting time. Since there are no approved proposals needing
incorporation, no new OSD-2 revision will be produced before the November

8.9    SCSI Media Changer Command Set - 3 (SMC-3) Project 1730-D [Banther]

Michael Banther reported on the activities of the SMC-3 working group (minutes
in 06-430r0.

8.10   SCSI Primary Commands - 4 (SPC-4) Project 1731-D [Weber]

Ralph Weber reported that SPC-4 r07 will be posted in time for the mailing and
will incorporate all approved proposals.

8.11   Serial Attached SCSI Driver Interface (SDI) Project 1740-D [Elliott]

Rob Elliott noted that there has been no activity on this project.

8.12   Automation/Drive Interface - Commands - 2 (ADC-2) Project 1741-D

Paul Suhler reported on the activities of the ADI working group (minutes in
06-424r0. He noted that a new
revision of ADC-2 will be prepared for a T10 letter ballot and the letter
ballot on forwarding ADC-2 r07 is planned to commence before the November
meeting week. He stated that the first public review forwarding date for ADC-2
should be listed as July 2007.

Paul Entzel took an action item to prepare ADC-2 r07. John Lohmeyer took an
action item to conduct a letter ballot on forwarding ADC-2 r07 to first public

8.13   Automation/Drive Interface - Transport Protocol - 2 (ADT-2) Project
1742-D [Suhler]

Paul Suhler reported on the activities of the ADI working group (minutes in
06-424r0. He stated that the first
public review forwarding date for ADT-2 should be listed as November 2007.

8.14   Serial Attached SCSI - 2 (SAS-2) Project 1760-D [Elliott]

Rob Elliott reported that several SAS-2 protocol proposals have been
recommended (minutes in 06-414r0). The SAS-2 physical working group
(minutes in 06-423r0) approved no recommendations, but the spread-spectrum
clocking proposal will be considered under agenda item 10.3 absent a working
group recommendation.

A SAS-2 revision will be posted containing all approved proposals in time for
the mailing.

8.15   SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3) Project 1799-D [Penokie]

George Penokie reported that a new revision will be posted containing changes
approved at this meeting; however maybe not in time for the mailing.

8.16   SCSI / ATA Translation - 2 (SAT-2) Project 1826-D [Overby]

Mark Overby reported that work will begin on SAT-2 during the November meeting

8.17   Fibre Channel Protocol - 4 (FCP-4) Project 1828-D [Peterson]

David Peterson reported on the activities of the FCP-4 working group (minutes
in 06-433r0.

8.18   MultiMedia Command Set - 6 (MMC-6) Project 1836-D [McFerrin]

Bill McFerrin was not present since the MMC working group is meeting in
Seattle later today.

9.     Old Business

There was no old business.

10.    New Business

10.1   Five-Year Maintenance Review of INCITS/T10 Standards (06-403r0) [Purnell]

George Penokie moved that T10 recommend that SMD-E, SPC, SPI-4, and SSM be
withdrawn and that SSA-S3P, SSA-PH2, SSA-TL2, SDV, and SRP be reaffirmed.
Curtis Stevens seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote of
37:0:0:9=46 which met the two-thirds rule. Details of the roll call vote were
as follows:

Organization                 Voter                         Vote
Adaptec, Inc.                Chris Fore                    Yes
AMCC                         Paul von Stamwitz             Yes
Amphenol Interconnect                                      (not present)
Brocade                                                    (not present)
Dallas Semiconductor         Steve Robalino                Yes
Dell, Inc.                   Kevin Marks                   Yes
EMC Corp.                    David Black                   Yes
Emulex                       Robert H. Nixon               Yes
ENDL                         Ralph O. Weber                Yes
FCI                          Douglas Wagner                Yes
Foxconn Electronics          Elwood Parsons                Yes
Fujitsu                      Mike Fitzpatrick              Yes
General Dynamics             Nathan Hastad                 Yes
Hewlett Packard Co.          Rob Elliott                   Yes
Hitachi Cable Manchester                                   (not present)
Hitachi Global Storage Tech. Dan Colegrove                 Yes
IBM Corp.                    George O. Penokie             Yes
Intel Corp.                  Robert Sheffield              Yes
Iomega Corp.                 Robert Payne                  Yes
KnowledgeTek, Inc.           Dennis Moore                  Yes
Lexar Media, Inc.            John Geldman                  Yes
LSI Logic Corp.              John Lohmeyer                 Yes
M-Systems                    Donald Rich                   Yes
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.  David Geddes                  Yes
McDATA                       David Peterson                Yes
Microsoft Corp.              Mark Benedikt                 Yes
Molex Inc.                   Jay Neer                      Yes
Network Appliance            Frederick Knight              Yes
Nvidia Corp.                 Mark Overby                   Yes
Oracle                       James Williams                Yes
Panasonic Technologies, Inc                                (not present)
Philips Electronics                                        (not present)
Pivot3, Inc.                                               (not present)
PMC-Sierra                   Tim Symons                    Yes
Quantum Corp.                Paul Entzel                   Yes
Seagate Technology           Gerald Houlder                Yes
Sierra Logic, Inc.           William Martin                Yes
STMicroelectronics, Inc.     Stephen Finch                 Yes
Sun Microsystems, Inc.                                     (not present)
Symantec                     Roger Cummings                Yes
Texas Instruments            Paul D. Aloisi                Yes
TycoElectronics              Dan Gorenc                    Yes
Vitesse Semiconductor        Jim Scott                     Yes
Western Digital              Curtis Stevens                Yes
Xiotech Corp.                                              (not present)
Xyratex                                                    (not present)

This two-thirds roll call vote passed (37:0:0:9=46).

John Lohmeyer took an action item to notify INCITS that T10 recommends the
withdrawal of SMD-E, SPC, SPI-4, and SSM and the reaffirmation of SSA-S3P,
SSA-PH2, SSA-TL2, SDV, and SRP. John Lohmeyer took an action item to conduct a
five-year maintenance review of MMC and MMC-3 during the November T10 meeting

10.2   Actions on SAS Protocol Working Group Recommendations

The recommendations from the SAS protocol working group (minutes in 06-376r1
and 06-414r0) were presented to the committee.

George Penokie reviewed the following proposals recommended for inclusion in

06-279r3 (Allow more than one ZPSDS in a SAS domain) [Elliott]
06-281r3 (Enable and Disable Zoning) [Elliott]
06-286r5 (SMP ZONE LOCK) [Symons]
06-201r6 (SMP CONFIGURE PHY ZONE function) [Symons]
06-203r6 (SMP REPORT ZONE PERMISSION function) [Symons]
06-288r6 (SMP ZONE ACTIVATE) [Symons]
06-289r6 (SMP ZONE UNLOCK) [Symons]
06-377r1 (Broadcast (Activate)) [Symons]
06-358r5 (Zone Configuration model) [Symons]
06-202r9 (SMP CONFIGURE ZONE PERMISSION function) [Symons]
06-326r2 (SMP Zone Lock Timer) [Symons]
06-418r1 (Enable disable zone management function revision) [Symons]
06-384r1 (OPEN_REJECT RETRY during zoning changes) [Elliott]
06-402r0 (Changes to ATTACHED SATA DEVICE bit) [Day]
06-299r1 (Clarifications of the SCSI power conditions in SAS) [Owens and
06-405r0 (Transport Layer Retries Fix) [Penokie]
06-408r1 (Race condition for transition out of SP12:SAS_Fail state) [Martin]
06-409r1 (IDENTIFY address frame REASON field) [Elliott]
06-188r2 (Support multiple STP affiliations) [Elliott]

Tim Symons moved that 06-203r6,
06-409r1 be approved for
inclusion in SAS-2. Rob Elliott seconded the motion. The motion passed on a
vote of 33:0:3:10=46.

Rob Elliott moved that 06-188r2 be approved for inclusion in SAS-2. Curtis
Stevens seconded the motion. The motion failed on a vote of 4:8:25:9=46.

Kevin Marks and Mark Overby stated that they voted no because the proposal
left too much outside the scope of the standard.

10.3   Actions on SAS PHY Working Group Recommendations

There were no approved recommendations made by the SAS physical working group
(minutes in 06-423r0). However, a vote to recommend spread-spectrum clocking
(06-263r6) [Elliott] narrowly failed by a vote of 7:7:14.

Rob Elliott moved that 06-263r6 be approved for inclusion in SAS-2. Kevin
Marks second the motion. Rob Elliott requested that a roll call vote be
conducted on the motion.

George Penokie spoke in opposition to the motion, noting that spread-spectrum
clocking reduces pulse heights and adds signal jitter. Rob Elliott spoke in
favor of the motion noting that spread-spectrum clocking is critical to
meeting EMI requirements in deskside 6 Gbs SAS applications.

The motion passed on a roll call vote of 22:2:15:7=46. Details of the roll
call vole were as follows:

Organization                 Voter                         Vote
Adaptec, Inc.                Chris Fore                    Yes
AMCC                         Paul von Stamwitz             Yes
Amphenol Interconnect        Michael Wingard               Yes (written vote)
Brocade                                                    (not present)
Dallas Semiconductor         Steve Robalino                Yes
Dell, Inc.                   Kevin Marks                   Yes
EMC Corp.                    Mickey Felton                 Yes
Emulex                       Robert H. Nixon               Abstain
ENDL                         Ralph O. Weber                Abstain
FCI                          Douglas Wagner                Yes
Foxconn Electronics          Elwood Parsons                Yes
Fujitsu                      Mike Fitzpatrick              Abstain
General Dynamics             Nathan Hastad                 Abstain
Hewlett Packard Co.          Rob Elliott                   Yes
Hitachi Cable Manchester                                   (not present)
Hitachi Global Storage Tech. Dan Colegrove                 No
IBM Corp.                    George O. Penokie             No
Intel Corp.                  Robert Sheffield              Yes
Iomega Corp.                 Robert Payne                  Abstain
KnowledgeTek, Inc.           Dennis Moore                  Abstain
Lexar Media, Inc.            John Geldman                  Abstain
LSI Logic Corp.              John Lohmeyer                 Yes
M-Systems                    Donald Rich                   Abstain
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.  David Geddes                  Yes
McDATA                       David Peterson                Abstain
Microsoft Corp.              Mark Benedikt                 Yes
Molex Inc.                   Jay Neer                      Yes
Network Appliance            Frederick Knight              Yes
Nvidia Corp.                 Mark Overby                   Yes
Oracle                       James Williams                Abstain
Panasonic Technologies, Inc                                (not present)
Philips Electronics                                        (not present)
Pivot3, Inc.                 Bill Galloway                 Yes (written vote)
PMC-Sierra                   Tim Symons                    Yes
Quantum Corp.                Paul Entzel                   Yes
Seagate Technology           Gerald Houlder                Yes
Sierra Logic, Inc.           William Martin                Abstain
STMicroelectronics, Inc.     Stephen Finch                 Abstain
Sun Microsystems, Inc.                                     (not present)
Symantec                     Roger Cummings                Abstain
Texas Instruments            Paul D. Aloisi                Abstain
TycoElectronics              Dan Gorenc                    Yes
Vitesse Semiconductor        Jim Scott                     Yes
Western Digital              Curtis Stevens                Abstain
Xiotech Corp.                                              (not present)
Xyratex                                                    (not present)

This simple majority roll call vote passed (22:2:15:7=46).

10.4   Actions on SAT Working Group Recommendations

The SAT working group (minutes in 06-415r0) recommended that SAT be forwarded to
INCITS for first public review and the committee processed that recommendation
under agenda item 8.7.

10.5   Actions on CAP Working Group Recommendations

The recommendations from the CAP working group (minutes in 06-416r0) were
presented to the committee.

George Penokie reviewed the following proposals recommended for inclusion in

06-321r1 (Statistics and Performance log pages command cleanup) [Elliott]
06-221r3 (Peripheral device informational identifier) [Elliott]

George Penokie reviewed 06-350r0 (Power conditions state machine
clarification) [Marks] a proposal recommended for inclusion in SPC-4 and

Rob Elliott moved that 06-221r3 be approved for inclusion in
SPC-4 and that 06-350r0 be approved for inclusion in SPC-4 and SBC-3. Gerry
Houlder seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 35:0:1:10=46.

George Penokie reviewed 06-034r5 (Physical blocks sans FORMAT UNIT LBA TO
ALIGN field) [Elliott] a proposal recommended for inclusion in SBC-3.

Rob Elliott moved that 06-034r5 be approved for inclusion in SBC-3. Curtis
Stevens seconded the motion. Rob Elliott requested a roll call vote.

The motion passed on a roll call vote of 11:4:20:11=46. Details of the roll
call vote were as follows:

Organization                 Voter                         Vote
Adaptec, Inc.                Chris Fore                    Yes
AMCC                         Paul von Stamwitz             Yes
Amphenol Interconnect                                      (not present)
Brocade                                                    (not present)
Dallas Semiconductor         Steve Robalino                Yes
Dell, Inc.                   Kevin Marks                   No
EMC Corp.                    David Black                   No
Emulex                       Robert H. Nixon               Abstain
ENDL                         Ralph O. Weber                Yes
FCI                          Douglas Wagner                Abstain
Foxconn Electronics          Elwood Parsons                Abstain
Fujitsu                      Mike Fitzpatrick              Abstain
General Dynamics                                           (not present)
Hewlett Packard Co.          Rob Elliott                   Yes
Hitachi Cable Manchester                                   (not present)
Hitachi Global Storage Tech. Dan Colegrove                 No
IBM Corp.                    George O. Penokie             No
Intel Corp.                  Robert Sheffield              Abstain
Iomega Corp.                 Robert Payne                  Abstain
KnowledgeTek, Inc.           Dennis Moore                  Abstain
Lexar Media, Inc.            John Geldman                  Yes
LSI Logic Corp.              John Lohmeyer                 Abstain
M-Systems                    Donald Rich                   Yes
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.  David Geddes                  Abstain
McDATA                       David Peterson                Abstain
Microsoft Corp.              Mark Benedikt                 Abstain
Molex Inc.                   Jay Neer                      Abstain
Network Appliance            Frederick Knight              Abstain
Nvidia Corp.                 Mark Overby                   Yes
Oracle                       James Williams                Abstain
Panasonic Technologies, Inc                                (not present)
Philips Electronics                                        (not present)
Pivot3, Inc.                                               (not present)
PMC-Sierra                   Tim Symons                    Abstain
Quantum Corp.                Paul Entzel                   Abstain
Seagate Technology           Gerald Houlder                Yes
Sierra Logic, Inc.           William Martin                No
STMicroelectronics, Inc.     Stephen Finch                 Abstain
Sun Microsystems, Inc.                                     (not present)
Symantec                     Roger Cummings                Yes
Texas Instruments            Paul D. Aloisi                Abstain
TycoElectronics              Dan Gorenc                    Abstain
Vitesse Semiconductor        Jim Scott                     Abstain
Western Digital              Curtis Stevens                Yes
Xiotech Corp.                                              (not present)
Xyratex                                                    (not present)

This simple majority roll call vote passed (11:5:20:10=46).

10.6   Actions on Other Working Group Recommendations

The recommendations from the FCP-4 working group (minutes in 06-428r1) were
presented to the committee.

George Penokie and Dave Peterson reviewed the following proposals recommended
for inclusion in FCP-4:

06-406r1 (LS_RJT for REC Conflict between FC-LS and FCP-4) [Penokie]
06-236r1 (Fix race condition between REC ACC and FCP_XFER_RDY) [Entzel]

Paul Entzel moved that 06-236r1 be approved for inclusion in
FCP-4. Dave Peterson seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of

10.7   Potential Liaison with MIPI Alliance (06-379r0) [Rich/Shimor]

Donald Rich presented a letter requesting establishment of a liaison between
T10 and MIPI Alliance regarding references to OSD by MIPI standards which are
under development. The committee requested two months to consider the request
before voting on it.

11.    ISO/IEC

11.1   ISO/IEC Report [Robinson]

In the absence of Gary Robinson, John Lohmeyer presented the ISO/IEC report

11.2   ISO/IEC Business [Robinson]

11.2.1 ISO/IEC FCD 24739-1, ATA/ATAPI-7 V1

Mark Overby moved that T10 recommends that the JTC1/SC25 TAG vote to approve
ISO/IEC FCD 24739-1, Information technology, AT Attachment with Packet
Interface - 7 Part 1 - Register Delivered Command Set, Logical Register Set,
(ATA/ATAPI-7 V1), SC:25N1074. Curtis Stevens seconded the motion. The roll
call motion passed as follows:

Organization                 Voter                         Vote
Adaptec, Inc.                Chris Fore                    Yes
AMCC                         Paul von Stamwitz             Yes
Amphenol Interconnect                                      (not present)
Brocade                                                    (not present)
Dallas Semiconductor         Steve Robalino                Yes
Dell, Inc.                   Kevin Marks                   Yes
EMC Corp.                    David Black                   Yes
Emulex                       Robert H. Nixon               Yes
ENDL                         Ralph O. Weber                Yes
FCI                                                        (not present)
Foxconn Electronics                                        (not present)
Fujitsu                      Mike Fitzpatrick              Yes
General Dynamics             Nathan Hastad                 Yes
Hewlett Packard Co.          Rob Elliott                   Yes
Hitachi Cable Manchester     Zane Daggett                  Yes
Hitachi Global Storage Tech. Dan Colegrove                 Yes
IBM Corp.                    George O. Penokie             Yes
Intel Corp.                  Robert Sheffield              Yes
Iomega Corp.                 Robert Payne                  Yes
KnowledgeTek, Inc.           Dennis Moore                  Yes
Lexar Media, Inc.            John Geldman                  Yes
LSI Logic Corp.              John Lohmeyer                 Yes
M-Systems                    Donald Rich                   Yes
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.  David Geddes                  Yes
McDATA                       David Peterson                Yes
Microsoft Corp.              Mark Benedikt                 Yes
Molex Inc.                   Jay Neer                      Yes
Network Appliance            Frederick Knight              Yes
Nvidia Corp.                 Mark Overby                   Yes
Oracle                       James Williams                Yes
Panasonic Technologies, Inc                                (not present)
Philips Electronics                                        (not present)
Pivot3, Inc.                                               (not present)
PMC-Sierra                   Tim Symons                    Yes
Quantum Corp.                Paul Entzel                   Yes
Seagate Technology           Gerald Houlder                Yes
Sierra Logic, Inc.           William Martin                Yes
STMicroelectronics, Inc.     Stephen Finch                 Yes
Sun Microsystems, Inc.                                     (not present)
Symantec                     Roger Cummings                Yes
Texas Instruments            Paul D. Aloisi                Yes
TycoElectronics                                            (not present)
Vitesse Semiconductor        Jim Scott                     Yes
Western Digital              Curtis Stevens                Yes
Xiotech Corp.                                              (not present)
Xyratex                                                    (not present)

This two-thirds roll call vote passed (35:0:0:11=46).

Gary Robinson was given an action item to recommend that the JTC1/SC25 TAG
vote to approve ISO/IEC FCD 24739-1, Information technology, AT Attachment
with Packet Interface - 7 Part 1 - Register Delivered Command Set, Logical
Register Set, (ATA/ATAPI-7 V1), SC:25N1074.

11.2.2 ISO/IEC FCD 14776-121 PIP

Paul Aloisi moved that T10 recommends that the JTC1/SC25 TAG vote to approve
ISO/IEC FCD 14776-121, Project, Information technology, SCSI
Passive Interconnect Performance. Bob Nixon seconded the motion. The roll call
motion passed as follows:

Organization                 Voter                         Vote
Adaptec, Inc.                Chris Fore                    Yes
AMCC                         Paul von Stamwitz             Yes
Amphenol Interconnect                                      (not present)
Brocade                                                    (not present)
Dallas Semiconductor         Steve Robalino                Yes
Dell, Inc.                   Kevin Marks                   Yes
EMC Corp.                    David Black                   Yes
Emulex                       Robert H. Nixon               Yes
ENDL                         Ralph O. Weber                Yes
FCI                                                        (not present)
Foxconn Electronics                                        (not present)
Fujitsu                      Mike Fitzpatrick              Yes
General Dynamics             Nathan Hastad                 Yes
Hewlett Packard Co.          Rob Elliott                   Yes
Hitachi Cable Manchester     Zane Daggett                  Yes
Hitachi Global Storage Tech. Dan Colegrove                 Yes
IBM Corp.                    George O. Penokie             Yes
Intel Corp.                  Robert Sheffield              Yes
Iomega Corp.                 Robert Payne                  Yes
KnowledgeTek, Inc.           Dennis Moore                  Yes
Lexar Media, Inc.            John Geldman                  Yes
LSI Logic Corp.              John Lohmeyer                 Yes
M-Systems                    Donald Rich                   Yes
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.  David Geddes                  Yes
McDATA                       David Peterson                Yes
Microsoft Corp.              Mark Benedikt                 Yes
Molex Inc.                   Jay Neer                      Yes
Network Appliance            Frederick Knight              Yes
Nvidia Corp.                 Mark Overby                   Yes
Oracle                       James Williams                Yes
Panasonic Technologies, Inc                                (not present)
Philips Electronics                                        (not present)
Pivot3, Inc.                                               (not present)
PMC-Sierra                   Tim Symons                    Yes
Quantum Corp.                Paul Entzel                   Yes
Seagate Technology           Gerald Houlder                Yes
Sierra Logic, Inc.           William Martin                Yes
STMicroelectronics, Inc.     Stephen Finch                 Yes
Sun Microsystems, Inc.                                     (not present)
Symantec                     Roger Cummings                Yes
Texas Instruments            Paul D. Aloisi                Yes
TycoElectronics                                            (not present)
Vitesse Semiconductor        Jim Scott                     Yes
Western Digital              Curtis Stevens                Yes
Xiotech Corp.                                              (not present)
Xyratex                                                    (not present)

This two-thirds roll call vote passed (35:0:0:11=46).

Gary Robinson was given an action item to recommend that the JTC1/SC25 TAG
vote to approve ISO/IEC FCD 14776-121, Project, Information
technology, SCSI Passive Interconnect Performance.

12.    Liaison Reports

12.1   T11 Liaison Report [Snively]

In the absence of Bob Snively, Ralph Weber presented an electronic liaison
report (06-404r0).

12.2   T13 Liaison Report [Colegrove]

Dan Colegrove provided an oral report to the committee on the activities of
T13. For details regarding T13 activities see

12.3   SFF Industry Group [Allan]

In the absence of Dal Allan, no SFF Industry Group liaison report was

12.4   SCSI Trade Association (STA) [Czekalski]

Marty Czekalski presented an electronic report (06-436r0) on the activities of
the SCSI Trade Association.

12.5   IETF SCSI over IP [Black/Robinson]

David Black reported that the iSCSI maintenance draft is not collecting any
major issues. Work is nearing conclusion on a draft to add a detailed support
reporting function to iSCSI "login".

12.6   SNIA [open]

No report was made.

12.7   Trusted Computing Group [Cummings/Fitzpatrick]

Mike Fitzpatrick provided an electronic report in 06-437r0 on TCG activities and
presented its contents to the committee.

12.8   IEEE P1667 [Shimor]

In the absence of Avraham Shimor, Donald Rich provided an electronic report in
06-435r0 on IEEE P1667 activities and presented its contents to the committee.

13.    Review of Action Items

643    Gary Robinson will contact the SBP-3 editor regarding the ISO status of
SBP-3 and prepare a motion for T10 action in September.
644    John Lohmeyer will forward SAT r09 to INCITS for further processing
towards first public review.
645    Paul Entzel will prepare ADC-2 r07.
646    John Lohmeyer will conduct a letter ballot on forwarding ADC-2 r07 to
first public review.
647    John Lohmeyer will notify INCITS that T10 recommends the withdrawal of
SMD-E, SPC, SPI-4, and SSM and the reaffirmation of SSA-S3P, SSA-PH2, SSA-TL2,
SDV, and SRP.
648    John Lohmeyer will conduct a five-year maintenance review of MMC and
MMC-3 during the November T10 meeting week.
649    Gary Robinson will recommend that the JTC1/SC25 TAG vote to approve
ISO/IEC FCD 24739-1, Information technology, AT Attachment with Packet
Interface - 7 Part 1 - Register Delivered Command Set, Logical Register Set,
(ATA/ATAPI-7 V1), SC:25N1074.
650    Gary Robinson will recommend that the JTC1/SC25 TAG vote to approve
ISO/IEC FCD 14776-121, Project, Information technology, SCSI
Passive Interconnect Performance.

14.    Meeting Schedule

The next plenary meeting of T10 will be Thursday November 9, 2006 in Las
Vegas, NV at the Atrium Suites Las Vegas Hotel (1-866-404-5286) hosted by
Hitachi GST. The meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday.

The meeting list for the next plenary week is:

                           November 2006 Meeting Map
                             (2006/09/14 Version)

Monday 11/06       9   10  11  12  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                   | ADI-2 WG      / SMC-3 WG              |          (15)
                   | SAS Protocol WG                       |          (40)
                   | IEEE P1619 Meeting                    |          (20)
                   | USB MSC Lock WG *                     |          (15)

Tuesday 11/07      9   10  11  12  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                   | SAS Physical WG                       |          (45)
                   | SAT WG                    | CAP WG    |          (20/40)
                                   | STA Marcom *  |                  (20)
                   | SSC-3 WG                     /FCP-4 WG|          (25)

Wednesday 11/08    9   10  11  12  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                   | CAP WG                                |          (40)
                                           |SFF        |              (25)
                   | STA Plenary * / TCC*          |                  (20)

Thursday 11/09     9   10  11  12  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                   | T10 Plenary   |                     |         (50/25)

Friday 11/10       9   10  11  12  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                   No meetings planned for Friday.

/ means the next meeting starts when the previous meeting concludes
Meetings marked with == are T10-authorized meetings.
Meetings marked with -- are other groups and may change without notice.
Meetings marked with (*) are closed meetings of other groups.

 Other T10-authorized meetings:
Meeting         Date                Location / Contact
--------------  ------------------  --------------------------------------
SAS Protocol    TBA                 TBA via T10 reflector / Elliott
SAS Zoning      TBA                 TBA via T10 reflector / Lohmeyer
SAS PHY Calls   Weekly Thu 10a CDT  TBA via T10 reflector / Cox

  Map Abbreviation Key:
ad hoc:      a.k.a., working group
ADI:         Automation Drive Interface (tape library interface)
Amnd:        Amendment
CAP:         Commands, Architecture, and Protocols
FC:          Fibre Channel
I/F:         Interface
IETF:        Internet Engineering Task Force (the group that sets
             Internet standards)
iFC:         Internet Fibre Channel
IPS:         Internet Protocol SCSI
iSCSI:       Internet SCSI
LB:          Letter Ballot
Lock SG:     Study Group to examine need for Locking removable storage devices
MMC:         Multimedia Commands (CD-ROM, DVD, etc.)
OSD:         Object-based Storage Device
PH or PHY:   Physical (Connectors, Cables, Transceivers, etc.)
Prot:        Protocol
Plenary:     Full Committee Meeting
Res:         Resolution
SAS:         Serial Attached SCSI
SAT:         SCSI / ATA Translation
SBC-2:       SCSI Block Commands - 2
SCSI:        Small Computer System Interface
SDI:         Serial Attached SCSI Driver Interface
SES:         SCSI Enclosure Services
SFF:         SFF Industry Group (not an INCITS activity)
SG:          Study Group
SMC-3:       SCSI Medium Changer - 3 Commands
SPC-4:       SCSI Primary Commands - 4 (4th generation)
SSC-3:       SCSI Stream Commands - 2 (includes Tape)
STA:         SCSI Trade Association (Closed meeting -- not an INCITS activity)
STA Marcom:  STA Marketing Communications (Closed meeting -- not an INCITS
STP:         Serial ATA Tunneled Protocol
T10:         SCSI Storage Interfaces Technical Committee
T11:         Device Level Interfaces Technical Committee
WG:          Working Group (same as Ad Hoc Group)

For more information about T10 activities, please contact the following

Activity                     Contact         Telephone/Email
---------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------
ADT, ADC, ADT-2, ADC-2       Paul Entzel     (720) 406-5782
SBC-2,SES-2,SAS-1.1,SAS-2,   Rob Elliott     (281) 518-5037
MMC-4, MMC-5, MMC-6          Bill McFerrin   (325) 423-1560
SBP-3                        Peter Johansson (510) 527-3926
SAM-4, SBC-3                 George Penokie (507) 253-5208
SAT                          Bob Sheffield   (480) 554-8597
SAT-2                        Mark Overby     (425) 417-9412
SMC-2                        Erich Oetting   (303) 673-2178
SMC-3                        Noud Snelder    +31408446108
SPC-3, SAM-3, SPC-4, OSD-2   Ralph Weber     (214) 912-1373
SSC-3, FCP-3, FCP-4          Dave Peterson   (763) 268-6139
Other Activities             John Lohmeyer   (719) 533-7560

The long-term T10 meeting week schedule is:

Date                Location                   Host/Comments
------------------ ------------------------- -----------------------------
Sep 11-15, 2006     Nashua, NH                 Hitachi Cable Manchester
Nov 6-10, 2006      Las Vegas, NV              Hitachi GST
Approved dates and locations (except March and November) for 2007:
Jan 15-19, 2007     Orlando, FL                Symantec
Mar 12-16, 2007     TBD                        SCSI Trade Association
May 7-11, 2007      Seattle, WA                Microsoft Corp.
Jul 9-13, 2007      Colorado Springs, CO       LSI Logic
Sep 17-21, 2007     Vancouver, BC Canada       PMC-Sierra
Nov 5-9, 2007
Proposed dates for 2008:
Jan 14-18, 2008
Mar 10-14, 2008     TBD                        Nvidia
May 5-9, 2008
Jul 14-18, 2008     Colorado Springs, CO       LSI Logic
Sep 8-12, 2008
Nov 3-7, 2008

John Lohmeyer asked people interested hosting one of the above meetings to
contact him.

John Lohmeyer moved and Gerry Houlder seconded that the 2007 meeting locations
through September, excluding the specific March 2007 location, be approved.
Because T10 has a standing rule requiring two-thirds approval for meeting
locations outside the contiguous 48 United States, this motion required a
two-thirds vote. The motion passed 32:0:0:14=46, which met the two-thirds

14.1   Authorization of Working Group Meetings

John noted that the working group meetings are required to operate under the
same voting procedures as does T10 (that is, one vote per organization) and
the results of a working group are not binding on the parent committee.
Working groups should strive to achieve consensus prior to bringing issues to

Curtis Stevens moved that T10 authorize the T10-related meetings and events in
the list above that had not previously been approved through the end of
October 2006. Bill Martin seconded the motion. The motion passed 25:2:1:18=46.

15.    Adjournment

John Lohmeyer moved and Ralph Weber seconded that the meeting be adjourned. In
the absence of any objections, the motion passed unanimously. The meeting was
adjourned at 11:35 a.m. on Thursday September 14, 2006.
Enclosure(1) -- Meeting Attendees

              Name                   S           Organization
------------------------------------ -- ------------------------------------
Mr. Chris Fore                       P  Adaptec, Inc.
Mr. Paul von Stamwitz                P  AMCC
Mr. Steve Robalino                   A  Dallas Semiconductor
Mr. Kevin Marks                      P  Dell, Inc.
Mr. David Black                      A  EMC Corp.
Mr. Mickey Felton                    A# EMC Corp.
Mr. Robert H. Nixon                  P  Emulex
Mr. Ralph O. Weber                   P  ENDL Texas
Mr. Douglas Wagner                   P  FCI
Mr. Elwood Parsons                   P  Foxconn Electronics
Mr. Mike Fitzpatrick                 P  Fujitsu
Mr. Nathan Hastad                    P  General Dynamics
Mr. Michael Banther                  V  Hewlett Packard Co.
Mr. Rob Elliott                      P  Hewlett Packard Co.
Mr. Zane Daggett                     P  Hitachi Cable Manchester
Mr. Dan Colegrove                    P  Hitachi Global Storage Tech.
Mr. James Rockrohr                   V  IBM
Mr. George O. Penokie                P  IBM Corp.
Mr. Robert Sheffield                 P  Intel Corp.
Mr. Robert Payne                     P  Iomega Corp.
Mr. Joel Silverman                   AV Kawasaki Microelectronics Am
Mr. Dennis Moore                     P  KnowledgeTek, Inc.
Mr. John Geldman                     P  Lexar Media, Inc.
Mr. John Lohmeyer                    P  LSI Logic Corp.
Mr. Donald Rich                      A# m-systems Flash Disk Pioneers
Mr. David Geddes                     P  Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.
Mr. Paul Wassenberg                  A  Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.
Mr. David Peterson                   P  McDATA
Mr. Mark Benedikt                    P  Microsoft Corporation
Mr. Jay Neer                         P  Molex Inc.
Mr. Frederick Knight                 A  Network Appliance
Mr. Mark Overby                      P  Nvidia Corp.
Mr. James Williams                   P  Oracle
Mr. Tim Symons                       P  PMC-Sierra
Mr. Paul Entzel                      P  Quantum Corp.
Dr. Paul Suhler                      A  Quantum Corp.
Mr. Alvin Cox                        A  Seagate Technology
Mr. Martin Czekalski                 V  Seagate Technology
Mr. Gerald Houlder                   P  Seagate Technology
Mr. William Martin                   P  Sierra Logic, Inc.
Mr. Stephen Finch                    P  STMicroelectronics, Inc.
Mr. Roger Cummings                   P  Symantec
Mr. Paul D. Aloisi                   P  Texas Instruments
Mr. Dan Gorenc                       A  TycoElectronics
Mr. Jim Scott                        A. Vitesse Semiconductor
Mr. Curtis Stevens                   P  Western Digital

46 People Present

Status Key: P     -  Principal          L    -  Liaison
            A,A# -  Alternate           V    -  Visitor
            AV   -  Advisory Member