Accredited Standards Committee*

InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)



Doc. No.:





May 12, 2008



Reply to:

John Lohmeyer






T10 Membership




Ralph Weber / John Lohmeyer




Minutes of T10 Plenary Meeting #85 -- May 8, 2008



San Jose, CA



1. Opening Remarks

2. Approval of Agenda

3. Attendance and Membership

4. Approval of Minutes - March 2008 - Raleigh, NC (T10/08-133r0)

5. Document Distribution

6. Call for Patents

7. Review of Old Action Items

8. Project Status Reports

8.1 Project Status Summary and INCITS Liaison [Lohmeyer]

8.1.1 INCITS Antitrust Guidelines

8.2 Bridge Controller Commands (BCC) Project 1528-D [Elliott]

8.3 SCSI Enclosure Services - 2 (SES-2) Project 1559-D [Elliott]

8.4 SCSI Stream Commands - 3 (SSC-3) Project 1611-D [Peterson]

8.5 SCSI Architecture Model - 4 (SAM-4) Project 1683-D [Penokie]

8.6 Object-Based Storage Devices - 2 (OSD-2) Project 1729-D [Weber]

8.7 SCSI Media Changer Command Set - 3 (SMC-3) Project 1730-D [Ballard]

8.8 SCSI Primary Commands - 4 (SPC-4) Project 1731-D [Weber]

8.9 Automation/Drive Interface - Commands - 2 (ADC-2) Project 1741-D [Suhler]

8.10 Automation/Drive Interface - Transport Protocol - 2 (ADT-2) Project 1742-D [Suhler]

8.11 Serial Attached SCSI - 2 (SAS-2) Project 1760-D [Elliott]

8.12 SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3) Project 1799-D [Evans]

8.13 SCSI / ATA Translation - 2 (SAT-2) Project 1826-D [Overby]

8.14 Fibre Channel Protocol - 4 (FCP-4) Project 1828-D [Peterson]

8.15 MultiMedia Command Set - 6 (MMC-6) Project 1836-D [McFerrin]

8.16 Automation/Drive Interface - Commands - 3 (ADC-3) Project 1895-D [Suhler]

8.17 USB Queuing Transport (UAS) Project 2095-D [Stevens]

8.18 SCSI Architecture Model - 5 (SAM-5) Project 2104-D [Penokie]


9.1 ISO/IEC Report [Robinson]

9.2 ISO/IEC Business [Robinson]

9.2.1 FCD ISO/IEC 14776-326, Reduced Block Commands (RBC)

9.2.2 FCD ISO/IEC 14776-921, SCSI / ATA Translation Layer (SAT)

9.2.3 FDIS ATAPI-7-2

9.2.4 FDIS ATAPI-7-3

10. Old Business

10.1 Project Proposals for next generation SAS

10.1.1 Project Proposal for Serial Attached SCSI - 2.1 (SAS-2.1) (08-110r0) [Elliott]

10.1.2 Project Proposal: Alternate Serial Attached SCSI 2.1 (08-117r0) [Butt]

10.1.3 Project Proposal: Serial Attached Protocol (SAP) (08-118r0) [Butt]

11. New Business

11.1 INCITS Disapproval of T10's Waiver Request (in080452) [Garner]

11.2 Actions on SAS Protocol Working Group Recommendations

11.3 Actions on SAS PHY Working Group Recommendations

11.4 Actions on SAT Working Group Recommendations

11.5 Actions on CAP Working Group Recommendations

11.6 Actions on Other Working Group Recommendations

11.7 Contract Editing proposal on ISO/IEC SAS-1.1 (08-197r0) [Weber]

11.8 Project proposal for SSC-4 (08-136r1) [Peterson]

12. Liaison Reports

12.1 T11 Liaison Report [Snively]

12.2 T13 Liaison Report [Colegrove]

12.3 SCSI Trade Association (STA) [Czekalski]

12.4 IEEE P1619 [Ball]

13. Review of Action Items

14. Meeting Schedule

14.1 Authorization of Working Group Meetings

15. Adjournment

Results of Meeting

1. Opening Remarks

John Lohmeyer, the T10 Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m., Thursday May 8, 2008. He thanked Mark Overby and Christine Evans of Nvidia for hosting the meeting.

John extended a special welcome to Karen Higginbottom, INCITS Executive Board Chair.

John said that INCITS subgroup membership forms and the T10 document subscription forms are available on the meeting web site. He said that people should use these forms to ensure the INCITS Secretariat has the latest membership information. These forms should be mailed directly to the INCITS Secretariat.

As is customary, the people attending introduced themselves. Attendance See Meeting Attendees. was taken electronically via the meeting web site.

2. Approval of Agenda

No additions/changes were made to the draft agenda.

John Lohmeyer moved and Ralph Weber seconded that the agenda be approved. In the absence of any objections, the motion passed unanimously.

No items were added or modified in the agenda during the course of the meeting.

3. Attendance and Membership

The membership requirements were reviewed. INCITS rules permit one vote per organization. An individual from a new organization must attend two out of three consecutive plenary meetings. He/she may apply for voting membership the second meeting via a letter to the Chair of T10. The individual may begin voting at the beginning of his/her second meeting. People who continue to attend T10 meetings are expected to join T10 and to pay INCITS Service Fees.

To maintain membership, organizations must pay the INCITS Service Fee ($1200 per year).

John briefly discussed the mailing fees. Complete pricing information is contained in the 2008 membership form (available at

There are also minimum attendance requirements to maintain voting membership on T10. If a member organization fails to attend two of the last three T10 meetings, they are warned that failing to attend the next T10 meeting would result in their membership being terminated.

The Chair said he had sent emails to 6 people from 4 organizations informing them that the organization's membership was in jeopardy due to non-attendance (see 08-176r0) and that their membership would be terminated if they did not attend this meeting. The following organizations were in attendance jeopardy:

Amphenol Interconnect

General Dynamics

Iomega Corp.

STMicroelectronics, Inc.

All organizations in attendance jeopardy were present.

Had representatives of these organizations not been present, their representatives changed to Advisory (non-voting) status.

John called for requests to join the committee. No organizations joined at this meeting.

The T10 membership during the meeting was 37 organizations, unchanged from the 37 member organizations extant at the time the meeting was convened. Enclosure (1) is the list of the people present at the meeting and enclosure (3) is the current T10 membership list.

John Lohmeyer reminded members that failure to vote on two out of the last three letter ballots also would result in membership jeopardy. Accelerated and personnel letter ballots are not included in letter ballot jeopardy calculations.

The current letter ballot jeopardy status is as shown:

T10 Letter Ballot Jeopardy Report -- 2008/05/01
                          Ballot:  08-096r0
                          Report:  08-097r0
Organization             Acronym:  SAM4 NWIP     SAS-2         SSC-3
---------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
Dell, Inc.                             Yes           DNV           Yes
Intel Corp.                            DNV           No            Yes
NeoScale Systems Inc.         (*)      DNV           --            DNV
Yes    Organization voted Yes
No     Organization voted No
Abs    Organization voted Abstain
DNV    Organization failed to return letter ballot
--     Organization was not a voting member for the letter ballot
(*)    Organization is in letter ballot jeopardy

4. Approval of Minutes - March 2008 - Raleigh, NC (T10/08-133r0)

John Lohmeyer moved and Ralph Weber seconded that the minutes be approved as written. In the absence of any objections, the motion passed unanimously.

5. Document Distribution

Members who have any problems with their mailing subscription should deal directly with Barbara Bennett ( (202) 626-5743. A subscription form is included on the meeting disk.

John Lohmeyer requested that all documents for the next mailing be uploaded to the T10 web site by 10:30 a.m. Mountain time on Thursday May 15, 2008. Documents received after this time may go into a subsequent mailing.

John reminded the committee of the requirements for document submission. Since T10 meets its document retention requirements by preparing mailings, documents included in the mailing must be suitable for archiving. This means that Portable Document Format (PDF) and/or native-format electronic originals with proper identification must be submitted.

People can obtain T10 document numbers for new and revised T10 documents by filling out a web form at The assigned T10 document number will be sent to the requestor by e-mail. The requestor may then reply to this email, including the document to be posted as an attachment. The document will be automatically posted on the T10 web site.

T10 members can complete this entire process using their personal T10 password. John explained that members who do not know their password should surf to the above URL and click on the "forgot password" link to have their password sent to them via e-mail.

John noted that non-members can also use the above document number process, but their requests will require approval by an administrator.

Minutes are available on the T10 World Wide Web page (see below), and are distributed to the T10 Reflector.

To be added to the T10 Reflector, send an e-mail to with the line 'subscribe t10' in the message body.

The INCITS Secretariat maintains a World Wide Web page at:

LSI Corp. maintains a web site on behalf of T10 on a server donated by the SCSI Trade Association at:

There is also a mirror site at:

The T10 document register is available at:

6. Call for Patents

John Lohmeyer explained that this is a regular agenda item to identify any potential patent issues with developing standards and technical reports.

For additional information on ANSI procedures and the ANSI patent policy, please see the INCITS web page at The contact for INCITS patent issues is Lynn Barra (lbarra at itic dot org) or (202) 626-5739. Gene Milligan prepared a useful "Handy dandy Technical Committee's Patents Guide", which is available at

John Lohmeyer presented a summary of the ANSI patent policy prepared by Gary Robinson. The summary is also included on the Rules and Procedures (plus Patent Information) page on the T10 web site.

Mark Seidel reminded the committee that a statement of the Intel patent policy can be found in T10/01-041r0.

John Lohmeyer noted that LSI Corp. recently submitted a patent statement (T10/08-189r0) regarding ISO-IEC standards.

John Lohmeyer reported that Pioneer Corp. had submitted a patent statement (T10/08-242r0) regarding the MMC standards.

John asked that anyone who knows of other applicable patents to contact him.

There were no other responses to the call for patents other than those mentioned above.

7. Review of Old Action Items

694 John Lohmeyer will forward the SCSI Architecture Model - 5 (SAM-5) project proposal (08-124r1) to INCITS for further processing. Complete.

695 John Lohmeyer will notify INCITS that T10 recommends that INCITS reaffirm the EPI technical report (INCITS TR-23-1998). Complete.

696 John Lohmeyer will forward T10/08-143r0 to INCITS for processing as a waiver to INCITS RD-1 clause 3.2. Complete.

8. Project Status Reports

8.1 Project Status Summary and INCITS Liaison [Lohmeyer]

John Lohmeyer said that the current T10 project status summary was included on the meeting web site and will be included in the mailing as usual.

8.1.1 INCITS Antitrust Guidelines

All T10 members should be aware of the INCITS antitrust guidelines available at

John reminded committee members that all persons present at a T10 meeting are responsible for identifying potential violations of the antitrust guidelines and reporting them to the chair. Discussions of the following topics are considered sensitive:

· Any company's prices or pricing policies;

· Specific R&D, sales and marketing plans;

· Any company's confidential product, product development or production strategies;

· Whether certain suppliers or customers will be served;

· Prices paid to input sources; or

· Complaints about individual firms or other actions that might tend to hinder a competitor in any market.

8.2 Bridge Controller Commands (BCC) Project 1528-D [Elliott]

Rob Elliott reported that there has been no activity on BCC.

Rob asked the committee to consider withdrawing the BCC project during the July Plenary.

Rob Elliott took an action item to notify the T10 Reflector of plans to withdrawn the BCC project in July.

8.3 SCSI Enclosure Services - 2 (SES-2) Project 1559-D [Elliott]

Rob Elliott reported that 08-049r4 contains the proposed resolutions to the SES-2 letter ballot comments and SES-2 revision 19d incorporates the resolutions.

Rob Elliott moved that 08-049r4 be approved as resolving the letter ballot comments on SES-2 and that SES-2 revision 20, which incorporates the comment resolutions, be forwarded to INCITS for further processing toward first public review. Bob Nixon seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 32:0:0:5=37.

Based on the successful resolution of the letter ballot comments, the following people requested that their original No votes on the SES-2 letter ballot be changed to Yes:

Rob Elliott, Hewlett Packard Co. and

Kevin Butt, IBM Corp.

Roger Cummings, Symantec (by email)

John Lohmeyer took an action item to forward SES-2 revision 20 to INCITS for further processing toward first public review.

8.4 SCSI Stream Commands - 3 (SSC-3) Project 1611-D [Peterson]

Dave Peterson reported on the activities of the SSC-3 working group (minutes in 08-136r1). Due to a snafu, it was not placed on the T10 agenda in time for consideration at this meeting and will be considered at the July meeting.

8.5 SCSI Architecture Model - 4 (SAM-4) Project 1683-D [Penokie]

George Penokie reported that 07-478r7 contains the proposed resolutions to the SAM-4 letter ballot comments and SAM-4 r13i incorporates the resolutions.

George Penokie moved that 07-478r7 be approved as resolving the letter ballot comments on SAM-4 and that SAM-4 revision 14, which incorporates the comment resolutions, be forwarded to INCITS for further processing toward first public review. Bill Martin seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 31:0:0:6=37.

Based on the successful resolution of the letter ballot comments, the following people requested that their original No votes on the SAM-4 letter ballot be changed to Yes:

Rob Elliott, Hewlett Packard Co. and

Mark Evans, Western Digital Corp.

John Lohmeyer took an action item to forward SAM-4 revision 14 to INCITS for further processing toward first public review.

8.6 Object-Based Storage Devices - 2 (OSD-2) Project 1729-D [Weber]

Ralph Weber reported that work on OSD-2 has been deferred to the July meeting week.

8.7 SCSI Media Changer Command Set - 3 (SMC-3) Project 1730-D [Ballard]

Curtis Ballard reported on the activities of the SMC-3 working group (minutes in 08-238r0.

8.8 SCSI Primary Commands - 4 (SPC-4) Project 1731-D [Weber]

Ralph Weber reported that SPC-4 r14 was included in the last mailing. SPC-4 r15 will be prepared during May but not in time for the mailing, and will include all proposals approved at this meeting.

8.9 Automation/Drive Interface - Commands - 2 (ADC-2) Project 1741-D [Suhler]

John Lohmeyer reported that ADC-2 has passed the INCITS for management review and the INCITS approval letter ballot closes today. It should go to ANSI next week.

8.10 Automation/Drive Interface - Transport Protocol - 2 (ADT-2) Project 1742-D [Suhler]

Paul Suhler reported on the activities of the ADI working group (minutes in 08-225r1.

8.11 Serial Attached SCSI - 2 (SAS-2) Project 1760-D [Elliott]

John Lohmeyer reported that the SAS-2 letter ballot passed 27:7:2:1=37 and noted that the detailed results of the ballot are documented in 08-093r0. Approximately 1900 comments were received.

Rob Elliott reported that about 50% of the comments have resolutions. He noted a schedule of conference calls for the SAS Phy working group to resolve comments. A letter ballot editing session will begin after the plenary ends.

8.12 SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3) Project 1799-D [Evans]

Mark Evans reported that SBC-3 r15 will be prepared to incorporate the proposals approved this week. The new revision should be posted within the next few weeks, but probably not in time for the mailing.

8.13 SCSI / ATA Translation - 2 (SAT-2) Project 1826-D [Overby]

Mark Overby reported that a SAT-2 working group meeting was held April 25th in Henderson, NV (minutes in 08-209r0).

A SAT-2 working group meeting is planned for June 23 in Denver, CO.

SAT-2 r05 will be prepared to incorporate the proposals approved at this meeting, but probably not in time for the mailing. A letter ballot is planned following the July meeting.

8.14 Fibre Channel Protocol - 4 (FCP-4) Project 1828-D [Peterson]

Dave Peterson discussed the activities of the FCP-4 working group (minutes in 08-234r0.

The target letter ballot date is September 2008, and the target public review date is January 2009.

8.15 MultiMedia Command Set - 6 (MMC-6) Project 1836-D [McFerrin]

Bill McFerrin reported that the minutes for the MMC-6 working group can be found in 08-236r0. He noted that work on optical storage is winding down somewhat. He reported that noise control is becoming an issue in the optical storage industry and a proposal will be developed.

The target for forwarding MMC-6 is November 2008.

8.16 Automation/Drive Interface - Commands - 3 (ADC-3) Project 1895-D [Suhler]

Paul Suhler reported on the activities of the ADI working group (minutes in 08-225r1.

8.17 USB Queuing Transport (UAS) Project 2095-D [Stevens]

Curtis Stevens reported that the content for the first UAS revision was approved by the CAP working group (minutes in 08-210r0). He noted that the first approved working draft of UAS which will be posted as UAS r01. He noted that differed from the r00 revision nomenclature agreed to by the CAP working group due to details of the T10 web site operating procedures.

8.18 SCSI Architecture Model - 5 (SAM-5) Project 2104-D [Penokie]

George Penokie reported that SAM-5 r00 will be posed based on SAM-4 r20 later this week.


9.1 ISO/IEC Report [Robinson]

Gary Robinson presented the ISO/IEC report See ISO Status..

Gary Robinson took an action item to generate a NWIP for SAM-4.

9.2 ISO/IEC Business [Robinson]

9.2.1 FCD ISO/IEC 14776-326, Reduced Block Commands (RBC)

Gary Robinson moved that T10 recommends that the SC25 TAG vote to approve 25N ___, FCD ISO/IEC 14776-326 Information technology Small Computer System Interface Part 326: Reduced Block Commands (RBC) (RBC-2). Mark Overby seconded the motion.

The roll-call motion passed: 31:0:0:6=37 as documented below.

Organization                 Voter                         Vote
AMCC                                                       (not present)
Amphenol Interconnect        Gregory McSorley              Yes
Brocade                      David Peterson                Yes
Dell, Inc.                                                 (not present)
EMC Corp.                    Gary S. Robinson              Yes
Emulex                       William Martin                Yes
ENDL                         Ralph O. Weber                Yes
FCI                                                        (not present)
Finisar Corp.                David Freeman                 Yes
Foxconn Electronics                                        (not present)
Fujitsu                      Mike Fitzpatrick              Yes
General Dynamics             Nathan Hastad                 Yes
Hewlett Packard Co.          Rob Elliott                   Yes
Hitachi Global Storage Tech. Dan Colegrove                 Yes
IBM Corp.                    Kevin Butt                    Yes
Intel Corp.                  Mark Seidel                   Yes
Iomega Corp.                 Robert Payne                  Yes
Kawasaki Microelectronics Am Joel Silverman                Yes
KnowledgeTek, Inc.           Dennis Moore                  Yes
Lexar Media, Inc.            John Geldman                  Yes
LSI Corp.                    George Penokie                Yes
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.  David Geddes                  Yes
Maxim Integrated Products    Gregory Tabor                 Yes
Microsoft Corp.              Robert Griswold               Yes
Molex Inc.                                                 (not present)
NetApp                       Frederick Knight              Yes
Nvidia Corp.                 Mark Overby                   Yes
PMC-Sierra                   Tim Symons                    Yes
Quantum Corp.                Paul Suhler                   Yes
Samsung                      Michael Rogers                Yes
SanDisk Corporation          Yoni Shternhell               Yes
Seagate Technology           Gerald Houlder                Yes
STMicroelectronics, Inc.     Stephen Finch                 Yes
Sun Microsystems, Inc.       Erich Oetting                 Yes
Symantec                                                   (not present)
TycoElectronics              Dan Gorenc                    Yes
Western Digital              Mark Evans                    Yes
This two-thirds international roll call vote passed (31:0:0:6=37).

John Lohmeyer took an action item to transmit FCD recommendation on RBC to INCITS for further processing.

9.2.2 FCD ISO/IEC 14776-921, SCSI / ATA Translation Layer (SAT)

Gary Robinson moved that T10 recommends that the SC25 TAG vote to approve 25N ___, FCD ISO/IEC 14776-921 Information technology Small Computer System Interface Part 921: SCSI / ATA Translation Layer (SATL) (SAT). Mark Overby seconded the motion.

The roll-call motion passed: 31:0:0:6=37 as documented in 9.2.1.

John Lohmeyer took an action item to transmit FCD recommendation on SAT to INCITS for further processing.

9.2.3 FDIS ATAPI-7-2

Gary Robinson moved that T10 has reviewed the FDIS, ATAPI-7-2 24739-2, and recommends that the JTC1 TAG vote to approve said FDIS. Mark Overby seconded the motion.

The roll-call motion passed: 31:0:0:6=37 as documented in 9.2.1.

John Lohmeyer took an action item to transmit FDIS recommendation on ATAPI-7-2 to INCITS for further processing.

9.2.4 FDIS ATAPI-7-3

Gary Robinson moved that T10 has reviewed the FDIS, ATAPI-7-3 24739-3, and recommends that the JTC1 TAG vote to approve said FDIS. Mark Overby seconded the motion.

The roll-call motion passed: 31:0:0:6=37 as documented in 9.2.1.

John Lohmeyer took an action item to transmit FDIS recommendation on ATAPI-7-3 to INCITS for further processing.

10. Old Business

10.1 Project Proposals for next generation SAS

10.1.1 Project Proposal for Serial Attached SCSI - 2.1 (SAS-2.1) (08-110r0) [Elliott]

Discussion of this topic was deferred to the next meeting.

10.1.2 Project Proposal: Alternate Serial Attached SCSI 2.1 (08-117r0) [Butt]

Discussion of this topic was deferred to the next meeting.

10.1.3 Project Proposal: Serial Attached Protocol (SAP) (08-118r0) [Butt]

Discussion of this topic was deferred to the next meeting.

11. New Business

11.1 INCITS Disapproval of T10's Waiver Request (in080452) [Garner]

John Lohmeyer reported that the INCITS Executive Board voted 10:0:2:5=17 to deny the T10 waiver request, reportedly based principally on a preference not to grant waivers of any kind.

Subsequent to that, the officers of T10, T11, T13 met with representatives of the INCITS Executive Board, and work was begun toward addressing the issues.

Karen Higginbottom reported that INCITS is working to develop a stronger operating structure for the INCITS TCs. A major challenge has been addressing the needs of the wide variety of TCs in INCITS. Some of the necessary procedural differences have not been addressed yet, but work is in progress.

John noted that the earliest opportunity to receive notice of additional efforts would be in late July because the next INCITS Executive Board meeting is the week of July 14th.

11.2 Actions on SAS Protocol Working Group Recommendations

The SAS Protocol working group made no recommendations to the committee this month.

11.3 Actions on SAS PHY Working Group Recommendations

The SAS PHY working group made no recommendations to the committee this month.

11.4 Actions on SAT Working Group Recommendations

Mark Overby reviewed 07-485r6 (Additional power management methods) [Knight] recommended for inclusion in SAT-2 and SPC-4.

Fred Knight moved that 07-485r6 be approved for inclusion in SAT-2 and SPC-4. Mark Overby seconded the motion. In the absence of objections, the motion passed unanimously.

11.5 Actions on CAP Working Group Recommendations

Mark Evans reviewed the following proposals recommended for inclusion in SPC-4:

08-145r3 (Capability-based Command Security (CbCS)) [the rewrite] [Weber]

08-177r0 (Bogus Sense Key in SA Creation Parameter Data Error Handling) [Weber]

08-178r0 (IKEv2-SCSI Message ID field size correction) [Weber]

08-180r0 (SCSI device name cleanup in SPC-4) [Weber]

08-194r1 (Common definition for CODE SET) [Ballard]

08-199r1 (Even more log page cleanup) [Evans]

08-214r1 (Allowing ESP-SCSI descriptors in variable length CDBs) [Weber]

08-231r1 (SPEC_I_PT clarification) [Knight]

Mark Evans reviewed 08-156r2 (Non-volatile cache becoming volatile) [Penokie] a proposal recommended for inclusion in SPC-4 and SBC-3.

Curtis Stevens review 08-221r1, the document whose content was recommended to become the first approved revision of the UAS working draft.

Curtis Stevens moved that 08-145r3, 08-221r0 be approved as the content for the first revision of UAS. Mark Overby seconded the motion. In the absence of objections, the motion passed unanimously.

11.6 Actions on Other Working Group Recommendations

Dave Peterson reviewed 08-127r2 (FC-4 Features object and device type support) [Peterson] a proposal recommended for inclusion in FCP-4.

Kevin Butt moved that 08-127r2 be approved for inclusion in FCP-4. Dave Peterson seconded the motion. In the absence of objections, the motion passed unanimously.

11.7 Contract Editing proposal on ISO/IEC SAS-1.1 (08-197r0) [Weber]

John Lohmeyer reported that editing assistance is needed to complete ISO/IEC SAS-1.1, due in part to the ISO usage of FrameMaker 7, a product to which SAS-1.1 editor Rob Elliott does not have access.

John Lohmeyer moved that T10 approve 08-197r0 SAS-1.1 ISO editing proposal, and authorize payment upon completion of services. Bill Martin seconded the motion. The motion passed 29:0:0:8=37.

John Lohmeyer took an action item to report to INCITS that $5,000 of the T10 editing fund has been approved for payment for editing services on ENDL Texas.

11.8 Project proposal for SSC-4 (08-136r1) [Peterson]

John Lohmeyer noted that due to a snafu, this item was not added to the T10 agenda until one week ago, and therefore cannot be forwarded at this meeting. It will be consider at the July meeting.

12. Liaison Reports

12.1 T11 Liaison Report [Snively]

Bob Snively presented the T11 electronic liaison report (08-213r0).

12.2 T13 Liaison Report [Colegrove]

Dan Colegrove provided an electronic report in 08-087r2 and made an oral report to the committee on the activities of T13. For additional details regarding T13 activities see

12.3 SCSI Trade Association (STA) [Czekalski]

In the absence of Marty Czekalski, John Lohmeyer presented an electronic report (08-235r0) on the activities of the SCSI Trade Association.

12.4 IEEE P1619 [Ball]

In the absence of Matt Ball, Landon Noll presented the electronic IEEE 1619 liaison report that Matt had prepared (08-173r1).

13. Review of Action Items

697 Rob Elliott will notify the T10 Reflector of plans to withdrawn the BCC project in July.

698 John Lohmeyer will forward SES-2 revision 20 to INCITS for further processing toward first public review.

699 John Lohmeyer will forward SAM-4 revision 14 to INCITS for further processing toward first public review.

700 Gary Robinson will generate a NWIP for SAM-4.

701 John Lohmeyer will transmit FCD recommendation on RBC to INCITS for further processing.

702 John Lohmeyer will transmit FCD recommendation on SAT to INCITS for further processing.

703 John Lohmeyer will transmit FDIS recommendation on ATAPI-7-2 to INCITS for further processing.

704 John Lohmeyer will transmit FDIS recommendation on ATAPI-7-3 to INCITS for further processing.

705 John Lohmeyer will report to INCITS that $5,000 of the T10 editing fund has been approved for payment for editing services on ENDL Texas.

14. Meeting Schedule

The next plenary meeting of T10 will be Thursday July 17, 2008 in Anchorage, AK at the Sheraton Anchorage Hotel (Reservations: 907-276-8700) hosted by Emulex. The meeting will begin at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday.

The meeting list for the next plenary week is:

                             July 2008 Meeting Map
                             (2008/05/08 Version)
Monday 7/14        9   10  11  12  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                   | SMC-3 WG      / ADI-2 WG            |            (15)
                   | SAS Protocol WG                     |            (40)
Tuesday 7/15       9   10  11  12  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                   | SAS Physical WG                   |              (45)
                   | SAT WG      | STA Marcom / BOD|                  (20)
                   | FCP-4       / SSC-3 WG            |              (25)
                   | MMC WG                        |                  (15)
Wednesday 7/16     9   10  11  12  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                   | CAP WG                                |          (45)
                   | Mt Fuji                       |                  (15)
                   +---------------+----+  +-------+-+
                   | STA Plen*     |TCC*|  | SFF     |                (25)
                   +---------------+----+  +---------+
Thursday 7/17      9   10  11  12  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                   | CAP WG     |////| T10 Plenary/LB cmnt     |(45/50/10)
Friday 7/18    8   9   10  11  12  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
               No meetings are planned for Friday.
/ means the next meeting starts when the previous meeting concludes
Meetings marked with == are T10-authorized meetings.
Meetings marked with -- are other groups and may change without notice.
Meetings marked with (*) are closed meetings of other groups.
  Map Abbreviation Key:
ad hoc:      a.k.a., working group
ADI:         Automation Drive Interface (tape library interface)
Amnd:        Amendment
CAP:         Commands, Architecture, and Protocols
FC:          Fibre Channel
FCP-4:       Fibre Channel Protocol - 4
IEEE P1619:  IEEE Security in Storage Working Group
I/F:         Interface
IETF:        Internet Engineering Task Force (the group that sets
             Internet standards)
iFC:         Internet Fibre Channel
IPS:         Internet Protocol SCSI
iSCSI:       Internet SCSI
LB:          Letter Ballot
MMC:         Multimedia Commands (CD-ROM, DVD, etc.)
OSD:         Object-based Storage Device
PH or PHY:   Physical (Connectors, Cables, Transceivers, etc.)
Prot:        Protocol
Plenary:     Full Committee Meeting
Res:         Resolution
SAS:         Serial Attached SCSI
SAT-2:       SCSI / ATA Translation - 2
SBC-3:       SCSI Block Commands - 3
SCSI:        Small Computer System Interface
SES:         SCSI Enclosure Services
SFF:         SFF Industry Group (not an INCITS activity)
SG:          Study Group
SMC-3:       SCSI Medium Changer - 3 Commands
SPC-4:       SCSI Primary Commands - 4 (4th generation)
SSC-3:       SCSI Stream Commands - 2 (includes Tape)
STA:         SCSI Trade Association (Closed meeting -- not an INCITS activity)
STA Marcom:  STA Marketing Communications (Closed meeting -- not an INCITS activity)
T10:         SCSI Storage Interfaces Technical Committee
T11:         Fibre Channel Interfaces Technical Committee
T13:         ATA Storage Interface
TCG:         Trusted Computing Group
TCG SIIF:    Trusted Computing Group Storage Interface Interactions Forum
WG:          Working Group (same as Ad Hoc Group)



Location / Host

SAS-2 LB Resolution Call

Wed May 21 10:00a-12:00n CDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Elliott&Penokie


Thu May 22 10:00a-12:00n CDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Cox

SAS-2 LB Resolution Call

Wed May 28 10:00a-12:00n CDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Elliott&Penokie

I/F Power Management

Wed May 28 2:00p-4:00p CDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Houlder

SMC-3 Call

Wed May 28 8:00a-10:00a PDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / IBM


Thu May 29 10:00a-12:00n CDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Cox

ADI Call

Wed Jun 4 8:00a-10:00a PDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Quantum


Thu Jun 5 10:00a-12:00n CDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Cox

SAS-2 LB Resolution Call

Wed Jun 11 10:00a-12:00n CDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Elliott&Penokie


Thu Jun 12 10:00a-12:00n CDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Cox

SAS-2 LB Resolution Call

Wed Jun 18 10:00a-12:00n CDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Elliott&Penokie

ADI Call

Wed Jun 18 8:00a-10:00a PDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Quantum


Thu Jun 19 10:00a-12:00n CDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Cox


Mon Jun 23 11:00a-6:00p MDT

Denver, CO / Lohmeyer


Thu Jun 26 10:00a-12:00n CDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Cox


Thu Jul 3 10:00a-12:00n CDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Cox

SAS-2 LB Resolution Call

Wed Jul 9 10:00a-12:00n CDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Elliott&Penokie


Thu Jul 10 10:00a-12:00n CDT

TBA via T10 Reflector / Cox

For more information about T10 activities, please contact the following people:




ADT-2, ADC-2, ADC-3

Paul Stone

(949) 725-1874

paul dot stone at quantum dot com

SES-2, SAS-1.1, SAS-2, BCC, SDI

Rob Elliott

(281) 518-5037

Elliott at hp dot com

MMC-5, MMC-6

Bill McFerrin

(325) 423-1560

billmc37 at ctesc dot net


Peter Johansson

(510) 527-3926

PJohansson at ACM dot org

SAM-4, SBC-3

George Penokie

(507) 253-5208

gop at us dot ibm dot com


Mark Overby

(425) 417-9412

moverby at nvidia dot com


Erich Oetting

(303) 673-2178

Erich_Oetting at Stortek dot com


Noud Snelder


Noud dot snelder at bdt dot de

SPC-3, SAM-3, SPC-4, OSD-2

Ralph Weber

(214) 912-1373

roweber at acm dot org

SSC-3, FCP-3, FCP-4

Dave Peterson

(763) 268-6139

david dot peterson at brocade dot com

Other Activities

John Lohmeyer

(719) 533-7560

lohmeyer at t10 dot org


The long-term T10 meeting week schedule is:




Host / Comments

May 5-9, 2008

San Jose, CA


Jul 14-18, 2008

Anchorage, AK


Sep 8-12, 2008

Colorado Springs, CO

LSI Corp.

Nov 3-7, 2008

Santa Ana, CA

Western Digital

Jan 12-16, 2009

Orlando, FL


Mar 9-13, 2009

Oklahoma City, OK


May 4-8, 2009

Bellevue, WA

Microsoft Corp.

Jul 13-17, 2009

Colorado Springs, CO

LSI Corp.

Sep 14-18, 2009

Boston, MA

EMC Corp.

Nov 9-13, 2009

Las Vegas, NV

Hitachi GST

Jan 11-15, 2010

Santa Ana, CA

Western Digital

Mar 8-12, 2010

San Jose, CA


May 3-7, 2010

Seattle, WA


Jul 12-16, 2010

Colorado Springs, CO

LSI Corp.

Sep 13-17, 2010

San Jose, CA


Nov 8-12, 2010



NOTE: Dates, locations, and hosts shown above in red italic font have not been approved by T10 yet and are subject to change.

John Lohmeyer asked people interested hosting one of the above meetings to contact him.

14.1 Authorization of Working Group Meetings

John noted that the working group meetings are required to operate under the same voting procedures as does T10 (that is, one vote per organization) and the results of a working group are not binding on the parent committee. Working groups should strive to achieve consensus prior to bringing issues to T10.

Bob Nixon moved that T10 authorize the T10-related meetings and events in the list above that had not previously been approved. Paul Suhler seconded the motion. In the absence of any objections, the motion passed unanimously.

15. Adjournment

John Lohmeyer moved and Ralph Weber seconded that the meeting be adjourned. In the absence of any objections, the motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m. on Thursday May 8, 2008.

Enclosure(1) -- Meeting Attendees

              Name                   S           Organization
------------------------------------ -- ------------------------------------
Mr. Gregory McSorley                 P  Amphenol Interconnect
Mr. David Peterson                   P  Brocade
Mr. Robert Snively                   A  Brocade
Mr. William McFerrin                 V  DataPlay
Mr. David Black                      A  EMC Corp.
Mr. Gary S. Robinson                 P  EMC Corp.
Mr. William Martin                   P  Emulex
Mr. Robert H. Nixon                  A  Emulex
Mr. Ralph O. Weber                   P  ENDL Texas
Mr. Douglas Wagner                   P  FCI
Mr. David Freeman                    P  Finisar Corp.
Mr. Mike Fitzpatrick                 P  Fujitsu
Mr. Nathan Hastad                    P  General Dynamics
Mr. Curtis Ballard                   A  Hewlett Packard Co.
Mr. Rob Elliott                      P  Hewlett Packard Co.
Ms. Karen Higginbottom               V  Hewlett Packard Co.
Mr. Dan Colegrove                    P  Hitachi Global Storage Tech.
Mr. Kevin Butt                       P  IBM Corp.
Dr. Mark Seidel                      P  Intel Corp.
Mr. Robert Payne                     P  Iomega Corp.
Mr. Joel Silverman                   P  Kawasaki Microelectronics Am
Mr. Dennis Moore                     P  KnowledgeTek, Inc.
Mr. John Geldman                     P  Lexar Media, Inc.
Mr. John Lohmeyer                    P  LSI Corp.
Mr. George Penokie                   A  LSI Corp.
Mr. David Geddes                     P  Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.
Mr. Gregory Tabor                    P  Maxim Integrated Products
Mr. Robert Griswold                  A  Microsoft Corp.
Mr. Chris Fore                       A  NetApp
Mr. Frederick Knight                 P  NetApp
Mr. Mark Overby                      P  Nvidia Corp.
Mr. Tim Symons                       P  PMC-Sierra
Mr. Craig W. Carlson                 AV QLogic Corp.
Dr. Paul Suhler                      P  Quantum Corp.
Mr. Michael Rogers                   A  Samsung
Mr. Yoni Shternhell                  A  SanDisk Corporation
Mr. Schelto vanDoorn                 V  Schelto
Mr. Alvin Cox                        A  Seagate Technology
Mr. Gerald Houlder                   P  Seagate Technology
Mr. Stephen Finch                    P  STMicroelectronics, Inc.
Mr. Erich Oetting                    P  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Mr. Georg Boasson                    V  Tandberg Storage
Mr. Dan Gorenc                       A  TycoElectronics
Mr. Andrew Nowak                     V  TycoElectronics
Mr. Mark Evans                       P  Western Digital
Mr. Curtis Stevens                   A  Western Digital
Mr. Alan Westbury                    V  Xyratex
47 People Present
Status Key:  P    -  Principal
             A    -  Alternate
             AV   -  Advisory Member
             E    -  Emeritus
             L    -  Liaison
             V    -  Visitor

Enclosure(2) -- ISO Status

T10 ISO Status Report - 05/08/2008

ISO Proj.


Part Num.

Last Step Completed




S2: NWIP Approved

STILL !!!!! Waiting for FCD text



S3: SC25 started FCD ballot

FCD Ballot, 25N1494, ends 8/18/2008, need T10 motion




S3: SC25 started FCD ballot

FCD Ballot, 25N1502, ends 8/12/2008, need T10 motion



S4: FDIS sent to SC25

FCD approved, FDIS text sent to SC25



S5: FDIS ballot complete

Completed FDIS Ballot



S5: FDIS ballot complete

FDIS Approved



S5: SC25 requests JTC1 to start FDIS ballot

FCD Approved FDIS TEXT sent



S5: SC25 requests JTC1 to start FDIS ballot

FCD Approved FDIS TEXT sent



S6: SC25 sends FDIS to JTC1 for publishing

Ready for publication



S6: SC25 sends FDIS to JTC1 for publishing

FDIS Approved



S6: SC25 sends FDIS to JTC1 for publishing

Approved as IS



S6: SC25 sends FDIS to JTC1 for publishing

Sent for publication



S7: IS Published




S7: IS Published



S7: IS Published






INCITS Approved Withdrawal




INCITS Approved Withdrawal



S8: WITHDRAWAL, SC25 Resolution

Voted to remove from SC25 Program of Work, Resolution BL-WG4-13



S8: WITHDRAWAL, SC25 Resolution

Voted to remove from SC25 Program of Work., Resolution BL-WG4-11

Enclosure(3) -- T10 Attendance Database

          Generated on 2008/05/12 at 10:49:24
Dr. William Ham  (E)              Phone: (978) 828-9102
                                    Fax: (978) 475-8315
92 Wildwood Road                  Email: bill dot ham at comcast dot net
Andover, MA 01810
Mr. Mark Lettang  (AV)            Phone: 512-984-5303
3M                                  Fax:
6801 River Place Blvd             Email: mlettang at mmm dot com
Austin, TX 78726
Mr. Charles Staley  (AV)          Phone: 512-689-8024
3M                                  Fax:
MS 130-3N-25                      Email: cstaley at mmm dot com
6801 River Place Blvd.
Austin, TX  78726
Mr. Paul von Stamwitz  (P)        Phone: (408) 542-8767
AMCC                                Fax: (408) 542-8605
215 Moffett Park Drive            Email: pvstamwitz at amcc dot com
Sunnyvale, CA 95089
Mr. Gregory McSorley  (P)         Phone: 508-829-6523
Amphenol Interconnect               Fax: 508-829-6523
66 Mixter Rd.                     Email: greg dot mcsorley at aipce dot com
Holden, MA 01520
Mr. Michael Wingard  (A)          Phone: (607) 786-4241
Amphenol Interconnect               Fax: (607) 786-4311
20 Valley St.                     Email: mike dot wingard at aipce dot com
Endicott, NY 13760
Mr. Brad Brown  (AV)              Phone: (801) 853-4009
ATL Technology                      Fax: (801) 491-6364
1335 W. 1650 N.                   Email: bradb at atlconnect dot com
Springville, UT  84663
Mr. Brad Bullough  (AV)           Phone: (801) 489-9100
ATL Technology                      Fax: (801) 491-6364
1335 W. 1650 N.                   Email: bradb at systemconnection dot com
Springville, UT  84663
Mr. David Peterson  (P)           Phone: (612) 802-3299
Brocade                             Fax:
6000 Nathan Lane North            Email: david dot peterson at brocade dot
Minneapolis, MN 55442
Mr. Robert Snively  (A)           Phone: (408) 333-8135
Brocade                             Fax:
1745 Technology Drive             Email: rsnively at brocade dot com
San Jose, CA 95110
Mr. Bill Moody  (AV)              Phone: (512) 928-7238
Crossroads Systems, Inc.            Fax:
8300 North Mopac Expressway       Email: jking at crossroads dot com
Austin, TX 78749
Mr. Kevin Marks  (P)              Phone: (512) 723-9173
Dell, Inc.                          Fax: (512) 723-6657
One Dell Way - MS 8540            Email: kevin_marks at dell dot com
Round Rock, TX 78682
Mr. Gary S. Robinson  (P)         Phone: (617) 512-8859
EMC Corp.                           Fax:
85 East India Row                 Email: g dot robinson at computer dot org
Apt 18C
Boston, MA, 02110
Mr. David Black  (A)              Phone: (508) 293-7953
EMC Corp.                           Fax: (508) 293-7786
176 South St.                     Email: black_david at emc dot com
Hopkinton, MA 01748
Mr. Sean Dolan  (A)               Phone: 508-293-6648
EMC Corp.                           Fax:
54 Oakly Rd                       Email: dolan_sean at emc dot com
Belmont, MA
Mr. Mickey Felton  (A)            Phone: 508 382 7206
EMC Corp.                           Fax:
21 coslin Drive                   Email: felton_mickey at emc dot com
Southboro, MA 01772
Mr. William Martin  (P)           Phone: (916) 772-3658
Emulex                              Fax: (916) 771-5416
7213 Marblethorpe Dr              Email: bill dot martin at emulex dot com
Roseville, CA 95747
Mr. Robert H. Nixon  (A)          Phone: (714) 885-3525
Emulex                              Fax: (714) 885-3794
3333 Susan St.                    Email: bob dot nixon at emulex dot com
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Mr. I. Dal Allan  (A)             Phone: (408) 867-6630
ENDL                                Fax: (408) 867-2115
14426 Black Walnut Ct.            Email: endlcom at acm dot org
Saratoga, CA 95070
Mr. Ralph O. Weber  (P)           Phone: (214) 912-1373
ENDL Texas                          Fax: (972) 596-2775
Suite 102#178                     Email: roweber at ieee dot org
18484 Preston Rd.
Dallas, TX 75252
Mr. Ulrich Hansen  (AV)           Phone: 512-944-3386
Entorian Technologies               Fax:
8900 Shoal Creek Boulevard #125   Email: uhansen at staktek dot com
Austin, TX  78757
Mr. Douglas Wagner  (P)           Phone: (805) 498-0325
FCI                                 Fax:
472 Delwood Ct.                   Email: dwagner at fciconnect dot com
Newbury Park, CA 91320-4819
Mr. David Freeman  (P)            Phone: (408) 400-1094
Finisar Corp.                       Fax:
1389 Moffet Park Dr.              Email: david dot freeman at finisar dot com
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1133
Mr. Chris Cicchetti  (A)          Phone: 408-542-4110
Finisar Corp.                       Fax: 408-744-1108
1389 Moffett Park Dr.             Email: chris dot cicchetti at finisar dot
Sunnyvale, CA
Mr. Paul Gentieu  (A)             Phone: 408-542-4213
Finisar Corp.                       Fax:
1389 Moffett Park Drive           Email: paul dot gentieu at finisar dot com
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1133
Mr. Geoffrey Hibbert  (A)         Phone: (408) 542-4121
Finisar Corp.                       Fax:
1389 Moffett Park Drive           Email: Geoff dot Hibbert at finisar dot com
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Ms. Monica Li  (A)                Phone: 408-400-1050
Finisar Corp.                       Fax:
1389 Moffett Park Drive           Email: monica dot li at finisar dot com
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1133
Mr. Elwood Parsons  (P)           Phone: (717) 558-7518 x141
Foxconn Electronics                 Fax: (717) 558-9306
100 S. 38th St.                   Email: elwood dot parsons at foxconn dot
Harrisburg, PA 17105
Mr. Mike Fitzpatrick  (P)         Phone: (405) 820-5809
Fujitsu                             Fax: (405) 755-8073
1255 East Arques Ave.             Email: mfitzpatrick at us dot fujitsu dot
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Mr. Ben-Koon Lin  (A)             Phone: (408) 894-3979
Fujitsu                             Fax: (408) 894-3908
2904 Orchard Pkwy.                Email: blin at fcpa dot fujitsu dot com
San Jose, CA 95134
Mr. Nathan Hastad  (P)            Phone: (952) 921-6237
General Dynamics                    Fax: (952) 956-5445
8800 Queen Avenue South           Email: nathan dot hastad at gd-ais dot com
Bloomington, MN 55431
Mr. Tim Mackley  (A)              Phone: (952) 921-6866
General Dynamics                    Fax:
8800 Queen Ave. S.                Email: timothy dot mackley at gd-ais dot
Bloomington, MN 55431
Mr. Rob Elliott  (P)              Phone: (281) 518-5037
Hewlett Packard Co.                 Fax: (281) 518-7135
MC140801                          Email: Elliott at hp dot com
PO Box 692000
Houston, TX 77269-2000
Mr. Curtis Ballard  (A)           Phone: (970) 898-3013
Hewlett Packard Co.                 Fax: (970) 898-4676
3404 E. Harmony Road              Email: curtis dot ballard at hp dot com
Fort Collins, CO 80528
Mr. Michael Banther  (A)          Phone: (44 117) 312-9503
Hewlett Packard Co.                 Fax: (44 117) 312-9978
Filton Road                       Email: michael_banther at hp dot com
Stoke Gifford
Bristol BS34 8QZ England
Mr. Wayne Bellamy  (A)            Phone: (281) 514-5196
Hewlett Packard Co.                 Fax:
20555 SH249                       Email: wayne dot bellamy at hp dot com
Houston, TX 77070-2698
MS: 159A28
Mr. Steven Fairchild  (A)         Phone: (281) 514-6448
Hewlett Packard Co.                 Fax:
20555 SH 249                      Email: Steve dot Fairchild at hp dot com
Houston, TX 77070
Mr. Barry Olawsky  (A)            Phone: (281) 514-8624
Hewlett Packard Co.                 Fax:
20555 SH 249                      Email: barry dot olawsky at hp dot com
Houston, TX 77070
Mr. Christopher Williams  (A)     Phone: (508) 467-2000
Hewlett Packard Co.                 Fax:
200 Forrest St.                   Email: Christopher dot W at hp dot com
Marlboro, MA 01752
Mr. Jeff Wolford  (A)             Phone: 281-514-9465
Hewlett Packard Co.                 Fax: 281-514-2321
PO Box 692000                     Email: jeff dot wolford at hp dot com
Houston, TX 77269-2000
Mr. Dan Colegrove  (P)            Phone: (702) 614-6119
Hitachi Global Storage Tech.        Fax: (702) 614-7955
2903 Carmelo Dr.                  Email: daniel dot colegrove at hgst dot com
Henderson, NV 89052
Mr. Dan Reno  (A)                 Phone: (408) 717-5081
Hitachi Global Storage Tech.        Fax:
Mailstop 12/3D t NW               Email: dan dot reno at hitachigst dot com
3403 Yerba Buena Road,
San Jose, CA, 95135
Mr. Liyao Chen  (AV)              Phone: +0086-85335159
Huawei Technologies Ltd Co.         Fax:
3F No 4B Building-chengdu Hi-Tech Email: chenliyao at huawei dot com
South Extension of Tianfu Ave
Chengdu, Sichuan  610041 P R China
Mr. Eric Sun  (AV)                Phone: +0086-85335159
Huawei Technologies Ltd Co.         Fax:
3F No 4B Building-chengdu Hi-Tech Email: sun dot yi at huawei dot com
South Extension of Tianfu Ave
Chengdu, Sichuan  610041 P R China
Mr. Kevin Butt  (P)               Phone: (520) 799-5280
IBM Corp.                           Fax:
M/S 9032-2 6TY                    Email: kdbutt at us dot ibm dot com
9000 S. Rita Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85744
Mr. Ted Vojnovich  (A)            Phone: (919) 254 0730
IBM Corp.                           Fax:
3039 Cornwallis Dr                Email: tbvojnov at us dot ibm dot com
Dr. Mark Seidel  (P)              Phone: (480) 554-9755
Intel Corp.                         Fax:
5000 W. Chandler Blvd.            Email: mark dot n dot seidel at intel dot
Chandler, AZ 85226
Mr. Robert Payne  (P)             Phone: (801) 332-4438
Iomega Corp.                        Fax: (801) 778-4170
1821 Iomega Way                   Email: PayneR at iomega dot com
Roy, UT 84067
Mr. Joel Silverman  (P)           Phone: (408) 570-0555 x405
Kawasaki Microelectronics Am        Fax: (408) 570-0567
2550 North First Street Suite 500 Email: joel at k-micro dot us
San Jose, CA  95131
Mr. Hugh Curley  (AV)             Phone: 303-682-1886
KnowledgeTek                        Fax:
3405 Larkspur Drive               Email: hcurley at indra dot com
Longmont, Co  80503
Mr. Dennis Moore  (P)             Phone: (303) 465-1800
KnowledgeTek, Inc.                  Fax: (303) 426-2600
8620 Wolff Ct., Suite 108         Email: dmoore at ix dot netcom dot com
Westminster, CO 80031
Mr. John Geldman  (P)             Phone: (510) 580-8715
Lexar Media, Inc.                   Fax: (510) 580-5609
47300 Bayside Parkway             Email: jgeldman at lexar dot com
Fremont, CA 94538
Mr. John Lohmeyer  (P)            Phone: (719) 533-7560
LSI Corp.                           Fax: (719) 533-7183
4420 ArrowsWest Dr.               Email: lohmeyer at t10 dot org
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Mr. Brad Besmer  (A)              Phone: (719) 533-7583
LSI Corp.                           Fax: (719) 533-7183
4420 ArrowsWest Dr.               Email: brad dot besmer at lsi dot com
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Mr. Brian Day  (A)                Phone: (719) 533-7468
LSI Corp.                           Fax: (719) 533-7480
4420 ArrowsWest Dr.               Email: brian dot day at lsi dot com
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Mr. Keith Holt  (A)               Phone: (316) 636-8665
LSI Corp.                           Fax:
3718 N. Rock Rd.                  Email: keith dot holt at lsi dot com
Wichita, KS 67226-1397
Mr. Walt Hubis  (A)               Phone: (303)381-4332
LSI Corp.                           Fax:
5400 Airport Blvd Ste 100         Email: whubis at lsi dot com
Boulder, CO  80301
Mr. Michael Jenkins  (A)          Phone: (408) 433-7901
LSI Corp.                           Fax:
765 Sycamore Dr.                  Email: Mike dot Jenkins at lsi dot com
Milpitas, CA 95035
Mr. Steve Johnson  (A)            Phone: (719) 533-7511
LSI Corp.                           Fax:
4420 ArrowsWest Dr.               Email: steve dot johnson at lsi dot com
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Mr. Dennis Kleppen  (A)           Phone: 303-381-4315
LSI Corp.                           Fax:
5400 Airport Blvd, Suite #100     Email: Dennis dot Kleppen at lsi dot com
Boulder, CO 80301
Mr. Bernhard Laschinsky  (A)      Phone: (610) 712-7937
LSI Corp.                           Fax:
Room 12B-202                      Email: Bernhard dot Laschinsky at lsi dot
1110 American Parkway NE
Allentown, PA  18109
Mr. George Penokie  (A)           Phone: (507) 328-9017
LSI Corp.                           Fax: (507) 328-9020
3033 41st Street NW Suite 100     Email: George dot Penokie at lsi dot com
Rochester, MN 55901
Mr. Robert Sheffield  (A)         Phone: 303-544-5410
LSI Corp.                           Fax:
5400 Airport Blvd, Ste #100       Email: Bob dot Sheffield at lsi dot com
Boulder, CO 80301
Mr. David Geddes  (P)             Phone: (408) 222-3307
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.         Fax: (408) 988-0136
5488 Marvell Lane                 Email: dgeddes at marvell dot com
Santa Clara CA 95054
Dr. Jacky Chow  (A)               Phone: (408) 222-1960
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.         Fax:
5488 Marvell Lane                 Email: jchow at marvell dot com
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Mr. Paul Wassenberg  (A)          Phone: 949-614-7714
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.         Fax: 949-614-7780
26880 Aliso Viejo Pkwy, #100      Email: paulw at marvell dot com
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Mr. Gregory Tabor  (P)            Phone: 719-278-2063
Maxim Integrated Products           Fax:
4747 Centennial Blvd.             Email: greg dot tabor at maxim-ic dot com
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Mr. David Allen  (A)              Phone: 719-867-6280
Maxim Integrated Products           Fax:
4323 ArrowsWest Dr.               Email: David dot Allen at maxim-ic dot com
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Mr. Mahbubul Bari  (A)            Phone: (719) 867-4419
Maxim Integrated Products           Fax:
4323 ArrowsWest Dr.O 80907        Email: Mahbubul dot Bari at maxim-ic dot
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Mr. Mark Benedikt  (P)            Phone: (425) 704-9998
Microsoft Corp.                     Fax: (425) 936-7329
One Microsoft Way                 Email: markben at microsoft dot com
Redmond, WA 98052
Mr. Robert Griswold  (A)          Phone: (425) 707-0271
Microsoft Corp.                     Fax: (425) 936-7329
One Microsoft Way.                Email: rogris at microsoft dot com
Redmond, WA 98052
Mr. Jay Neer  (P)                 Phone: (561) 447-2907 x3889
Molex Inc.                          Fax: (561) 447-2908
399 W. Camino Gardens Blvd.       Email: jay dot neer at molex dot com
Suite 103
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Mr. Galen Fromm  (A)              Phone: (630) 718-5270
Molex Inc.                          Fax:
2222 Wellington Ct.               Email: galen dot fromm at molex dot com
Lisle, IL 60532
Mr. Frederick Knight  (P)         Phone: (919) 476-5362
NetApp                              Fax:
7301 Kit Creek Road               Email: Frederick dot Knight at netapp dot
P.O. Box 13917
RTP,  NC  27709
Mr. Chris Fore  (A)               Phone: 919-476-5155
NetApp                              Fax:
7301 Kit Creek Road               Email: Chris dot Fore at netapp dot com
P.O. Box 13917
RTP,  NC  27709
Mr. Subhash Sankuratripati  (A)   Phone: 6504136700
NetApp                              Fax:
                                  Email: subhash at netapp dot com
Mr. Mark Overby  (P)              Phone: (425) 417-9412
Nvidia Corp.                        Fax:
2701 San Thomas Expry             Email: moverby at nvidia dot com
Santa Clara, CA 95050
Mr. Andrew Currid  (A)            Phone: (408) 486-2000
Nvidia Corp.                        Fax:
2701 San Thomas Expry             Email: acurrid at nvidia dot com
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Mr. Tim Symons  (P)               Phone: (604) 415 6000 x2264
PMC-Sierra                          Fax:
100-2700 Production Way           Email: Tim_Symons at pmc-sierra dot com
BC, V5A 4X1.  Canada
Mr. Guillaume Fortin  (A)         Phone: (514) 734-3728
PMC-Sierra                          Fax: (514) 734-3701
3333 Graham Blvd., Suite 500      Email: Guillaume_Fortin at pmc-sierra dot
Town of Mount-Royal
Quebec, Canada, H3R 3L5
Mr. Rick Hernandez  (A)           Phone: 408-239-8203
PMC-Sierra                          Fax:
3975 Freedom Circle               Email: rick_hernandez at pmc-sierra dot com
Suite #100
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Mr. Craig W. Carlson  (AV)        Phone: (952) 932-4064
QLogic Corp.                        Fax:
6321 Bury Drive                   Email: craig dot carlson at qlogic dot com
Eden Prairie, MN 55346
Mr. Skip Jones  (AV)              Phone: (949) 389-6368
QLogic Corp.                        Fax: (949) 389-6114
26600 Laguna Hills Dr.            Email: skip dot jones at qlogic dot com
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Dr. Paul Suhler  (P)              Phone: (949) 856-7748
Quantum Corp.                       Fax: (949) 856-7799
141 Innovation Drive              Email: paul dot suhler at quantum dot com
Irvine, CA  926177
Mr. Paul Stone  (A)               Phone: (949) 725-1874
Quantum Corp.                       Fax:
141 Innovation Dr.                Email: Paul dot Stone at Quantum dot com
Irvine, CA
Mr. Rod Wideman  (A)              Phone: (720) 249-5796
Quantum Corp.                       Fax:
8560 Upland Dr.                   Email: rod dot wideman at quantum dot com
Englewood, CO 80112
Mr. Joseph Chen  (P)              Phone: (408) 544-5766
Samsung                             Fax:
75 W. Plumeria Dr.                Email: joseph dot chen at samsung dot com
San Jose, CA 95134
Dr. Edward Chang  (A)             Phone: (408) 544-5561
Samsung                             Fax:
75 West Plumeria Drive            Email: ed dot chang at samsung dot com
San Jose, CA 95134
Mr. Dmitry Obukhov  (A)           Phone: (949) 439 0243
Samsung                             Fax:
San Jose                          Email: d dot obukhov at samsung dot com
Mr. Michael Rogers  (A)           Phone: (408) 544-5838
Samsung                             Fax:
75 W. Plumeria Dr.                Email: m dot rogers at samsung dot com
San Jose, CA 95134
Mr. Avraham Shimor  (P)           Phone: +972528444610
SanDisk Corporation                 Fax: +97235466888
7 Atir Yeda Str                   Email: avraham dot shimor at sandisk dot
Kfar Saba 44425
Mr. Donald Rich  (A)              Phone: +972 54 922 2188
SanDisk Corporation                 Fax: +972 3 548 8666
7 Atir Yeda St.                   Email: donald dot rich at sandisk dot com
Kfar Saba Israel  44425
Mr. Yoni Shternhell  (A)          Phone: +972-54-9222041
SanDisk Corporation                 Fax:
7 Atir Yeda St                    Email: yoni dot shternhell at sandisk dot
Kfar Saba 44425
Mr. Gerald Houlder  (P)           Phone: (952) 402-2869
Seagate Technology                  Fax: (952) 402-3471
Mailstop SHK231                   Email: gerry dot houlder at seagate dot com
1280 Disc Drive
Shakopee, MN 55379-1863
Mr. Alvin Cox  (A)                Phone: (405) 381-8067
Seagate Technology                  Fax:
2285 Jackie Pl                    Email: Alvin dot Cox at seagate dot com
Tuttle, OK 73089
Mr. Jim Hatfield  (A)             Phone: 720-684-2120
Seagate Technology                  Fax: 720-684-2766
389 Disc Drive                    Email: James dot C dot Hatfield at seagate
                                         dot com
Longmont, CO 80501
Mr. David Deming  (AV)            Phone: 8313366000
Solution Technology                 Fax: 8313366006
9407 Mill St.                     Email: ddeming at soltechnology dot com
Ben Lomond CA, 95005
Mr. Stephen Finch  (P)            Phone: (303) 381-3587
STMicroelectronics, Inc.            Fax: (303) 381-3660
1625 S Fordham St, Suite 500      Email: steve dot finch at st dot com
Longmont, CO 80503
Mr. Erich Oetting  (P)            Phone: (303) 673-2178
Sun Microsystems, Inc.              Fax:
One Storagetek Drive              Email: erich dot oetting at sun dot com
Louisville, CO 80028-4272
Mr. Jon Allen  (A)                Phone: (303) 661-2905
Sun Microsystems, Inc.              Fax:
Bldg 4                            Email: jon dot allen at sun dot com
One Storagetek Drive
Louisville, CO 80028
Mr. Vit Novak  (A)                Phone: (650) 786-6175
Sun Microsystems, Inc.              Fax: (650) 786-6515
MS MPK15-103                      Email: vit dot novak at sun dot com
15 Network Circle.
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Mr. Scott Painter  (A)            Phone: 303-673-7806
Sun Microsystems, Inc.              Fax:
1 StorageTek Dr.                  Email: scott dot painter at sun dot com
Louisville, CO 80028-5209
Mr. Roger Cummings  (P)           Phone: (407) 357-7257
Symantec                            Fax:
Post Stop HRO3-3                  Email: roger_cummings at symantec dot com
1001 Heathrow Park Lane
Heathrow, FL 32746
Mr. Raymond Gilson  (A)           Phone: 651.746.7281
Symantec Corporation                Fax: 651.746.6713
Mail Stop ROS2-3                  Email: raymond_gilson at symantec dot com
2815 Cleveland Avenue
Roseville, MN 55113
Mr. Halvard Eriksen  (AV)         Phone: +4792635996
Tandberg Storage                    Fax:
Phillip Pedersens vei 1           Email: halvard dot eriksen at
                                         tandbergstorage dot com
NO-1325 Lysaker
Mr. Kjartan Nesbakken Haugen  (AV)Phone:
Tandberg Storage                    Fax:
Philip Pedersens v 1              Email: kjartan dot haugen at
                                         tandbergstorage dot com
N-1366 Lysaker
Mr. Anders Liverud  (AV)          Phone: +4722189555
Tandberg Storage                    Fax: +4722189257
Philip Pedersens v 1              Email: anders dot liverud at
                                         tandbergstorage dot com
N-1366 Lysaker
Mr. Michael Fogg  (P)             Phone: 717-986-5802
TycoElectronics                     Fax: 717-986-5095
3101 Fulling Mill Road            Email: mike dot fogg at tycoelectronics
                                         dot com
M/S 128-20
Middletown, PA 17057
Ms. Ashlie Fan  (A)               Phone: (508) 926-4148
TycoElectronics                     Fax: (508) 752-4230
125 Goddard Memorial Drive        Email: afan at madisoncable dot com
Worcester, MA 01603
Mr. Dan Gorenc  (A)               Phone: (717) 986-3518
TycoElectronics                     Fax: (717) 592-2566
M/S 128-053                       Email: daniel dot gorenc at
                                         tycoelectronics dot com
PO Box 3608
Harrisburg, PA 17105-3608
Mr. Scott Shuey  (A)              Phone: 717-592-3371
TycoElectronics                     Fax:
3101 Fulling Mill Rd              Email: scott dot shuey at tycoelectronics
                                         dot com
Middletown Pa 17057
Mr. Robert Wertz  (A)             Phone: 717-592-6164
TycoElectronics                     Fax: 717-985-2833
3101 Fulling Mill Rd              Email: rhwertz at tycoelectronics dot com
Middletown Pa 17057
Mr. Toney Chew  (AV)              Phone: (626) 839-7477
Volex, Inc.                         Fax: (626) 839-6603
2510 Sierra Leone Ave.            Email: Toney_Chew at volex dot com
Rowland Heights CA 91748
Mr. Atul Sharma  (AV)             Phone: (682) 433-2031
Volex, Inc.                         Fax:
8011 N. MacArthur Blvd 2037       Email: Atul_sharma at volex dot com
Irving, TX 75063
Mr. Mark Evans  (P)               Phone: (408) 363-5257
Western Digital                     Fax: (408) 363-5139
5863 Rue Ferrari                  Email: Mark dot Evans at wdc dot com
San Jose, CA 95138
Mr. Curtis Stevens  (A)           Phone: 949-672-7933
Western Digital                     Fax:
20511 Lake Forest Dr.             Email: Curtis dot Stevens at wdc dot com
Lake Forest, Ca. 92630
Mr. Rich Ramos  (AV)              Phone: (312) 224-8852
Xyratex                             Fax:
860 Embarcadero Dr                Email: rich_ramos at us dot xyratex dot com
Ste 10
W. Sacramento CA 95691

*Operating under the procedures of The American National Standards Institute. INCITS Secretariat, Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) 1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005-3922 Email: Telephone: 202-737-8888 FAX: 202-638-4922