X3T10 Technical Committee Letter Ballot X3T10/96-039 r0 Date: September 18, 1996 Project: n/a Ballot Period: >30 days Ballot Closes: Tuesday, October 29, 1996 Ref. Document: None Return to: john.lohmeyer@symbios.com (preferred method) or fax to: 719-533-7036 (second choice) or mail to: John Lohmeyer, Symbios Logic, 4420 ArrowsWest Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80907-3444 (last choice) Subject: Elimination of X3T10 paper mailing option in 1997. Statement: Since X3T10 mailings are now being prepared electronically on CD-ROM, the option of receiving a mailing in paper format has become much more expensive. This letter ballot is being issued to determine whether anyone would be seriously inconvenienced if the paper mailing option were eliminated. X3T10.1 voted ".. that the X3T10.1 membership has no reservations regarding the discontinuance of a paper mailing starting in 1997." The motion carried 11:0:0. NOTE: This ballot will not be binding on the X3 Secretariat. Question: Do you approve of eliminating the option of receiving X3T10 mailings in paper format starting in 1997? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vote (mark one): Yes(1): [ ] Yes(1) with comments: [ ] No(2): [ ] Abstain: [ ] Name: [ ] Organization: [ ] Member status: Principal: [ ] Alternate: [ ] Date: [ ] If checked, Individual vote: [ ]; Otherwise, organizational vote. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (1) American National Standards are developed by the voluntary participation of all parties and with the intention and expectation that the standards will be suitable for wide application. Since their use is likewise voluntary, an affirmative vote does not commit an organization or group represented on the committee to the use of the American National Standard under consideration. (2) If you vote NO, your ballot must be accompanied by reason(s) for your position. Provide an electronic copy of your comments with each comment numbered to john.lohmeyer@symbios.com. ABSTENTIONS are not permitted on forwarding documents. ***************************************************************** Comments (if applicable):