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T10 ProjectsTitle: Automation/Drive Interface - Commands Next Action: 5 yr review (ADC) BSR #: INCITS 403 Target Date: 2020 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Suhler / Wideman Status: INCITS 403-2005 [R2015] Notes: Rev: 07 Title: Automation/Drive Interface - Commands Next Action: 5 yr review - 2 (ADC-2) BSR #: INCITS 441 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Suhler / Entzel Status: INCITS 441-2008 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 08 Title: Automation/Drive Interface - Commands Next Action: 5 yr review - 3 (ADC-3) BSR #: INCITS 497 Target Date: 2022 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Suhler / Stone Status: INCITS 497-2012 [R2017] Notes: Rev: 05a Title: Automation/Drive Interface - Commands Next Action: 5 yr review - 4 (ADC-4) BSR #: INCITS 541-2023 Target Date: 2028 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Curtis Ballard Status: INCITS 541-2023 Notes: Rev: 05 Title: Automation/Drive Interface - Next Action: 5 yr review Transport Protocol (ADT) BSR #: INCITS 406 Target Date: 2020 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Suhler / Entzel Status: INCITS 406-2005 [R2015] Notes: Rev: 14 Title: Automation/Drive Interface - Next Action: 5 yr review Transport Protocol - 2 (ADT-2) BSR #: INCITS 472 Target Date: 2021 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Suhler / Stone Status: INCITS 472-2011 [R2016] Notes: Rev: 09 Title: Automation/Drive Interface - Next Action: 5 yr review Transport Protocol - 3 (ADT-3) BSR #: INCITS 542-2022 Target Date: 2027 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Curtis Ballard Status: INCITS 542-2022 Notes: Rev: 03 Title: SCSI Enhanced Parallel Interface Next Action: 5 yr review (EPI) Technical Report BSR #: INCITS TR-23 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Bill Ham Status: INCITS TR-23-1998 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 16 Title: SCSI Fibre Channel Protocol - 2 (FCP- Next Action: 5 yr review 2) BSR #: INCITS 350 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Dave Peterson Status: INCITS 350-2003 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 08 Title: Fibre Channel Protocol - 4 (FCP-4) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 481 Target Date: 2021 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Dave Peterson Status: INCITS 481-2012 [R2016] Notes: Rev: 02b Title: Fourth generation Fibre Channel Next Action: 5 yr review Protocol (FCP-4) Amendment 1 BSR #: INCITS 481 AM1 Target Date: 2023 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Dave Peterson Status: Notes: Rev: __ Title: Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI, Next Action: 5 yr review Fifth Version (FCP-5) BSR #: INCITS 563 Target Date: 2028 Phase: Published PL/Editor: David Peterson Status: INCITS 563-2023 Notes: Rev: 04 Title: Multi-Media Commands - 2 (MMC-2) Next Action: Stabilized BSR #: INCITS 333 Target Date: Phase: Published PL/Editor: McFerrin / Roberts Status: INCITS 333-2000 [S2015] Notes: Rev: 11a Title: MultiMedia Command Set - 3 (MMC-3) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 360 Target Date: 2022 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Bill McFerrin Status: INCITS 360-2002 [R2017] Notes: Rev: 10g Title: MultiMedia Command Set - 4 (MMC-4) Next Action: Stabilized BSR #: INCITS 401 Target Date: Phase: Published PL/Editor: Bill McFerrin Status: INCITS 401-2005 [S2015] Notes: Published August 25, 2005 Rev: 05a Title: MultiMedia Command Set - 5 (MMC-5) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 430 Target Date: 2022 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Bill McFerrin Status: INCITS 430-2007 [R2017] Notes: Rev: 04 Title: MultiMedia Command Set - 6 (MMC-6) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 468 Target Date: 2020 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Bill McFerrin Status: INCITS 468-2010 [R2015] Notes: Rev: 02g Title: MultiMedia Command Set - 6 Amendment Next Action: 5 yr review # 1 (MMC-6 AM1) BSR #: INCITS 468-2010/AM 1 Target Date: 2022 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Calvin Chen Status: INCITS 468-2010/AM 1-2017 Notes: Rev: 01 Title: Object-Based Storage Device Commands Next Action: 5 yr review (OSD) BSR #: INCITS 400 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Ralph Weber Status: INCITS 400-2004 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 10 Title: Object-Based Storage Devices - 2 (OSD- Next Action: 5 yr review 2) BSR #: INCITS 458 Target Date: 2021 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Ralph Weber Status: INCITS 458-2011 [R2016] Notes: Rev: 05a Title: SCSI Passive Interconnect Performance Next Action: 5 yr review (PIP) BSR #: INCITS 368 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Zane Daggett / Bill Ham Status: INCITS 368-2003 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 04 Title: PCIe(r) architecture Queuing Next Action: 5 yr review Interface (PQI) BSR #: INCITS 490 Target Date: 2019 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Elliott / Njoo Status: INCITS 490-2014 Notes: Rev: 07 Title: PCIe(r) architecture Queuing Next Action: 5 yr review Interface - 2 (PQI-2) BSR #: INCITS 507 Target Date: 2021 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Keith Shaw Status: INCITS 507-2016 Notes: Rev: 01b Title: Reduced Block Commands (RBC) Next Action: Stabilized BSR #: INCITS 330 Target Date: Phase: Published PL/Editor: McLean / Roberts Status: INCITS 330-2000 [S2015] Notes: Proj 1240-D was STS Project Rev: 10a Title: Reduced Block Commands (RBC) Next Action: 5 yr review Amendment 1 BSR #: INCITS 330/AM1 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Ron Roberts Status: INCITS 330-2000/AM1-2003 [R2013] Notes: Defect Report is in 03-021r0 Rev: 01 Title: SCSI Technical Information Bulletin Next Action: (none) #1 (Logging Operations) Proj. #: 0375-T Target Date: Phase: Published PL/Editor: George Penokie Status: Pub by Global Notes: Rev: e Title: SCSI Technical Information Bulletin Next Action: (none) #2 (Partition Mgmt) Proj. #: 0375-T Target Date: Phase: Published PL/Editor: Status: Pub by Global Notes: Rev: e Title: SCSI Architecture Model - 2 (SAM-2) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 366 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Ralph Weber Status: INCITS 366-2003 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 24 Title: SCSI Architecture Model - 4 (SAM-4) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 447 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: George Penokie Status: INCITS 447-2008 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 14 Title: SCSI Architecture Model - 5 (SAM-5) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 515 Target Date: 2022 Phase: Published PL/Editor: George Penokie Status: INCITS 515-2016 Notes: Rev: 21 Title: SCSI Architecture Model - 6 (SAM-6) Next Action: 5 yr review 2027 BSR #: INCITS 546 Target Date: 2027 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Fred Knight Status: INCITS 546-2021 Notes: Rev: 08 Title: Serial Attached SCSI - 1.1 (SAS-1.1) Next Action: Stabilized BSR #: INCITS 417 Target Date: Phase: Published PL/Editor: Rob Elliott Status: INCITS 417-2006 [S2016] Notes: Rev: 10 Title: Serial Attached SCSI - 2 (SAS-2) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 457 Target Date: 2020 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Rob Elliott Status: INCITS 457-2010 [R2015] Notes: Rev: 16 Title: Serial Attached SCSI - 2.1 (SAS-2.1) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 478 Target Date: 2021 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Cox / Penokie Status: INCITS 478-2011 [R2016] Notes: Published December 2, 2011 Rev: 07 Title: Serial Attached SCSI - 2.1 (SAS-2.1) Next Action: 5 yr review Amendment #1 BSR #: INCITS 478/AM1 Target Date: 2019 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Cox/Lohmeyer Status: INCITS 478/AM1-2014 Notes: BSR approval date 2014/05/22 Rev: 00 Title: Serial Attached SCSI - 3 (SAS-3) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 519 Target Date: 2019 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Alvin Cox Status: INCITS 519-2014 Notes: Rev: 06 Title: Serial Attached SCSI - 4 (SAS-4) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 534 Target Date: 2024 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Alvin Cox Status: INCITS 534-2019 Notes: Rev: 10b Title: Serial Attached SCSI - 4.1 (SAS-4.1) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 567-2023 Target Date: 2028 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Alvin Cox Status: INCITS 567-2023 Notes: Rev: 04 Title: Serial Attached SCSI - 5 (SAS-5) Next Action: T10 RFC BSR #: INCITS 561 Target Date: Sep 25 Phase: Development PL/Editor: Ralph Weber Status: in development Notes: Rev: 02 Title: SCSI / ATA Translation (SAT) Next Action: Reaffirm BSR #: INCITS 431 Target Date: 2022 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Johnson / Sheffield Status: INCITS 431-2007 [2017] Notes: Rev: 09 Title: SCSI / ATA Translation - 2 (SAT-2) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 465 Target Date: 2020 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Mark Overby Status: INCITS 465-2010 [R2015] Notes: Rev: 09 Title: SCSI / ATA Translation - 3 (SAT-3) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 517 Target Date: 2020 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Neil Wanamaker Status: INCITS 517-2015 Notes: Rev: 07 Title: SCSI / ATA Translation - 4 (SAT-4) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 491 Target Date: 2023 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Neil Wanamaker Status: INCITS 491-2018 Notes: Rev: 06 Title: SCSI / ATA Translation - 5 (SAT-5) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 557 Target Date: 2029 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Curtis Stevens Status: INCITS 557-2023 Notes: Rev: 10 Title: SCSI / ATA Translation - 6 (SAT-6) Next Action: T10 RFC BSR #: INCITS 578 Target Date: Jul 25 Phase: Development PL/Editor: Curtis Stevens Status: in development Notes: Rev: 02 Title: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 405 Target Date: 2020 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Rob Elliott Status: INCITS 405-2005 [R2015] Notes: Rev: 16 Title: SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 514 Target Date: 2019 Phase: Published PL/Editor: George Penokie Status: INCITS 514-2014 Notes: Rev: 36 Title: SCSI Block Commands - 4 (SBC-4) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 506 Target Date: 2026 Phase: Published PL/Editor: William Martin Status: INCITS 506-2021 Notes: Rev: 22 Title: SCSI Block Commands - 5 (SBC-5) Next Action: publish BSR #: INCITS 571 Target Date: Jan 25 Phase: Publication PL/Editor: William Martin Status: End 1PR Notes: Rev: 08 Title: SCSI Block Commands - 6 (SBC-6) Next Action: T10 RFC BSR #: INCITS 587 Target Date: Nov 29 Phase: Development PL/Editor: Jeff Boutiette Status: in development Notes: Rev: __ Title: Serial Bus Protocol 2 (SBP-2) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 325 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: McLean/ Johansson Status: INCITS 325-1998 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 04 Title: Serial Bus Protocol 3 (SBP-3) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 375 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Peter Johansson Status: INCITS 375-2004 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 05 Title: SCSI Controller Commands-2 (SCC-2) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 318 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: George Penokie Status: INCITS 318-1998 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 04 Title: SCSI-2 Common Access Method Transport Next Action: Stabalized and SCSI Interface Module BSR #: INCITS 232 Target Date: Phase: Published PL/Editor: Bill Dallas Status: INCITS 232-1996 [S2011] Notes: BSR approved 2/5/96 Rev: 12b Title: Small Computer System Interface - 2 Next Action: 5 yr review (SCSI-2) BSR #: INCITS 131 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Larry Lamers Status: INCITS 131-1994 [R2013] Notes: BSR approved 1/31/94 Rev: 10L Title: Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) Next Action: Stabilized BSR #: INCITS 269 Target Date: Phase: Published PL/Editor: Bob Snively Status: INCITS 269-1996 [S2011] Notes: BSR approved 4/8/96 Rev: 12 Title: SCSI-3 Block Commands (SBC) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 306 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: open Status: INCITS 306-1998 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 08c Title: SCSI-3 Media Changer Commands (SMC) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 314 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Erich Oetting Status: INCITS 314-1998 [R2013] Notes: 1PR: 11/11/97 -- 1/6/98 Rev: 10a Title: SCSI-3 Stream Commands (SSC) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 335 Target Date: 2020 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Dave Peterson Status: INCITS 335-2000 [R2015] Notes: Rev: 22 Title: SCSI Domain Validation (SDV) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS TR-28 Target Date: 2017 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Lohmeyer / Gibbons Status: INCITS TR-28-2002 [R2017] Notes: Rev: 08b Title: SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 305 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Bob Snively Status: INCITS 305-1998 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 08b Title: SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) - Next Action: 5 yr review Amendment 1 BSR #: INCITS 305/AM1 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Rob Elliott Status: INCITS 305-1998/AM1-2000 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 01 Title: SCSI Enclosure Services - 2 (SES-2) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 448 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Rob Elliott Status: INCITS 448-2008 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 20 Title: SCSI Enclosure Services - 3 (SES-3) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 518 Target Date: 2027 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Fred Knight Status: INCITS 518-2017 [R2022] Notes: Rev: 14 Title: SCSI Enclosure Services - 4 (SES-4) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 555 Target Date: 2025 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Fred Knight Status: INCITS 555-2020 Notes: Rev: 05 Title: Security Features for SCSI Commands Next Action: 5 yr review (SFSC) BSR #: INCITS 501 Target Date: 2021 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Ralph Weber Status: INCITS 501-2016 Notes: Rev: 02 Title: SCSI Media Changer Commands - 2 (SMC- Next Action: 5 yr review 2) BSR #: INCITS 382 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Erich Oetting Status: INCITS 382-2004 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 07 Title: SCSI Media Changer Commands - 3 (SMC- Next Action: 5 yr review 3) BSR #: INCITS 484 Target Date: 2028 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Ballard / Snelder Status: INCITS 484-2012 [R2017] Notes: Rev: 16 Title: SCSI to NVMe Translation Next Action: T10 RFC BSR #: INCITS 584 Target Date: Jan 26 Phase: Development PL/Editor: Curtis Stevens Status: in development Notes: Rev: __ Title: SCSI over PCIe(r) architecture (SOP) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 489 Target Date: 2019 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Elliott / Stevens Status: INCITS 489-2014 Notes: Rev: 05 Title: SCSI Primary Commands - 2 (SPC-2) Next Action: none BSR #: INCITS 351 Target Date: Phase: Published PL/Editor: Ralph Weber Status: Replaced w ISO/IEC 14776- 452:2005 [R2011] Notes: Rev: 20 Title: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 408 Target Date: 2020 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Ralph Weber Status: INCITS 408-2005 [R2015] Notes: Rev: 23 Title: SCSI Primary Commands - 4 (SPC-4) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 513 Target Date: 2020 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Ralph Weber Status: INCITS 513-2015 Notes: Rev: 37 Title: SCSI Primary Commands - 5 (SPC-5) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 502 Target Date: 2024 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Joe Breher Status: INCITS 502-2019 Notes: Rev: 22 Title: SCSI Primary Commands - 6 (SPC-6) Next Action: publish BSR #: INCITS 566 Target Date: Nov 24 Phase: Publication PL/Editor: Ralph Weber Status: ANSI Pub Approval Notes: Rev: 13 Title: SCSI Primary Commands - 7 (SPC-7) Next Action: T10 RFC BSR #: INCITS 586 Target Date: Jan 29 Phase: Development PL/Editor: Ralph Weber Status: in development Notes: Rev: 03 Title: SCSI Parallel Interface - 2 (SPI-2) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 302 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Ham/Penokie Status: INCITS 302-1998 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 20b Title: SCSI Parallel Interface - 5 (SPI-5) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 367 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: George Penokie Status: INCITS 367-2003 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 06 Title: SAS Protocol Layer - 2 (SPL-2) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 505 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: George Penokie Status: INCITS 505-2013 Notes: Rev: 05 Title: SAS Protocol Layer - 3 (SPL-3) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 492 Target Date: 2020 Phase: Published PL/Editor: George Penokie Status: INCITS 492-2015 Notes: Rev: 07 Title: SAS Protocol Layer - 4 (SPL-4) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 538 Target Date: 2023 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Tim Symons Status: INCITS 538-2018 Notes: Rev: 13 Title: SAS Protocol Layer - 5 (SPL-5) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 554-2023 Target Date: 2028 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Tim Symons Status: INCITS 554-2023 Notes: Rev: 15 Title: SCSI RDMA Protocol (SRP) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 365 Target Date: 2022 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Cris Simpson Status: INCITS 365-2002 [R2017] Notes: Rev: 16a Title: SCSI RDMA Protocol - 2 (SRP-2) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 551 Target Date: 2024 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Joe Breher Status: INCITS 551-2019 Notes: Oct-16 Editor Change documented in http://www.t10.org/pipermail/ chair/2016-October/000000.html Rev: 06 Title: SSA Physical Layer 1 (SSA-PH1) Next Action: Stabilized BSR #: INCITS 293 Target Date: Phase: Published PL/Editor: Ham/Scheible Status: INCITS 293-1996 [S2011] Notes: BSR approved 11/29/96 Rev: 09c Title: SSA Physical Layer 2 (SSA-PH2) Next Action: Stabilized BSR #: INCITS 307 Target Date: Phase: Published PL/Editor: Ham/Scheible Status: INCITS 307-1997 [S2012] Notes: Rev: 05b Title: SSA SCSI-2 Protocol (SSA-S2P) Next Action: Stabilized BSR #: INCITS 294 Target Date: Phase: Published PL/Editor: John Scheible Status: INCITS 294-1996 [S2011] Notes: BSR approved 11/29/96 Rev: 07b Title: SSA SCSI-3 Protocol (SSA-S3P) Next Action: Stabilized BSR #: INCITS 309 Target Date: Phase: Published PL/Editor: John Scheible Status: INCITS 309-1997 [S2012] Notes: Rev: 05b Title: SSA Transport Layer 1 (SSA-TL1) Next Action: Stabilized BSR #: INCITS 295 Target Date: Phase: Published PL/Editor: John Scheible Status: INCITS 295-1996 [S2011] Notes: BSR approved 11/29/96 Rev: 10b Title: SSA Transport Layer 2 (SSA-TL2) Next Action: Stabilized BSR #: INCITS 308 Target Date: Phase: Published PL/Editor: John Scheible Status: INCITS 308-1997 [S2012] Notes: Rev: 05b Title: SCSI Stream Commands - 2 (SSC-2) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 380 Target Date: 2023 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Dave Peterson Status: INCITS 380-2003 [R2018] Notes: Rev: 09 Title: SCSI Stream Commands - 3 (SSC-3) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 467 Target Date: 2026 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Dave Peterson Status: INCITS 467-2011 [R2021] Notes: Rev: 05 Title: SCSI Stream Commands - 4 (SSC-4) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 516 Target Date: 2023 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Dave Peterson Status: INCITS 516-2013 [R2018] Notes: Rev: 03 Title: SCSI Stream Commands - 5 (SSC-5) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 503 Target Date: 2027 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Curtis Ballard Status: INCITS 503-2022 Notes: Rev: 06 Title: SCSI Stream Commands - 5 AM1 (SSC-5/ Next Action: publish AM1) BSR #: INCITS 503 AM1 Target Date: Dec 24 Phase: Publication PL/Editor: Kevin Butt Status: End 1PR Notes: Gobs of ROW changes in 23H2 Rev: 00 Title: SCSI Signal Modeling - 2 (SSM-2) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 369 Target Date: 2018 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Aloisi / Manildi Status: INCITS 369-2003 [R2013] Notes: Rev: 05a Title: USB Attached SCSI (UAS) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 471 Target Date: 2020 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Curtis Stevens Status: INCITS 471-2010 [R2015] Notes: Rev: 04 Title: USB Attached SCSI - 3 (UAS-3) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 572 Target Date: 2027 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Ralph Weber Status: INCITS 572-2021 Notes: Rev: 05 Title: Zoned Block Commands (ZBC) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 536 Target Date: 2022 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Curtis Stevens Status: INCITS 536-2017 Notes: Rev: 05 Title: ZBC Amendment 1 Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 536 AM1 Target Date: 2024 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Patrick Hery Status: INCITS 536-2017/AM1-2000 Notes: Rev: 00 Title: Zoned Block Commands - 2 (ZBC-2) Next Action: 5 yr review BSR #: INCITS 550-2023 Target Date: 2028 Phase: Published PL/Editor: Ralph Weber Status: INCITS 550-2023 Notes: Rev: 13 Title: Zoned Block Commands - 3 (ZBC-3) Next Action: T10 RFC BSR #: INCITS 579 Target Date: Sep 25 Phase: Development PL/Editor: Ralph Weber Status: in Development Notes: Rev: 04 [Return to the T10 home page.] For more information on T10 or if you have comments on this page contact T10 Officers. |