T10 (SCSI Storage Interfaces) Projects

Project Name (revision)
(These links access the latest working draft)
Project Status and
Revision History
Development Phase
SCSI / ATA Translation - 6 (SAT-6) Rev 02SAT-6
SCSI Block Commands - 6 (SBC-6) (no drafts yet)SBC-6
SCSI Primary Commands - 7 (SPC-7) Rev 03SPC-7
SCSI to NVMe Translation (no drafts yet)SNT
Serial Attached SCSI - 5 (SAS-5) Rev 02SAS-5
Zoned Block Commands - 3 (ZBC-3) Rev 04ZBC-3
Publication Phase
SCSI Block Commands - 5 (SBC-5) Rev 08SBC-5
SCSI Primary Commands - 6 (SPC-6) Rev 13SPC-6
SCSI Stream Commands - 5 AM1 (SSC-5/AM1) Rev 03SSC-5 AM1
(Guests are not permitted to access published working drafts)
Automation/Drive Interface - Commands (ADC) Rev 07ADC
Automation/Drive Interface - Commands - 2 (ADC-2) Rev 08ADC-2
Automation/Drive Interface - Commands - 3 (ADC-3) Rev 05aADC-3
Automation/Drive Interface - Commands - 4 (ADC-4) Rev 05ADC-4
Automation/Drive Interface - Transport Protocol (ADT) Rev 14ADT
Automation/Drive Interface - Transport Protocol - 2 (ADT-2) Rev 09ADT-2
Automation/Drive Interface - Transport Protocol - 3 (ADT-3) Rev 03ADT-3
Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) Rev 12SCSI3 FCP
Fibre Channel Protocol - 4 (FCP-4) Rev 02bFCP-4
Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI, Fifth Version (FCP-5) Rev 04FCP-5
Fourth generation Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP-4) Amendment 1 (no drafts yet)FCP-4 AM1
Multi-Media Commands - 2 (MMC-2) Rev 11aMMC-2
MultiMedia Command Set - 3 (MMC-3) Rev 10gMMC-3
MultiMedia Command Set - 4 (MMC-4) Rev 05aMMC-4
MultiMedia Command Set - 5 (MMC-5) Rev 04MMC-5
MultiMedia Command Set - 6 (MMC-6) Rev 02gMMC-6
MultiMedia Command Set - 6 Amendment # 1 (MMC-6 AM1) Rev 01MMC-6 AM1
Object-Based Storage Device Commands (OSD) Rev 10OSD
Object-Based Storage Devices - 2 (OSD-2) Rev 05aOSD-2
PCIe(r) architecture Queuing Interface (PQI) Rev 07PQI
PCIe(r) architecture Queuing Interface - 2 (PQI-2) Rev 01bPQI-2
Reduced Block Commands (RBC) Rev 10aRBC
Reduced Block Commands (RBC) Amendment 1 Rev 01RBC AM1
SAS Protocol Layer - 2 (SPL-2) Rev 05SPL-2
SAS Protocol Layer - 3 (SPL-3) Rev 07SPL-3
SAS Protocol Layer - 4 (SPL-4) Rev 13SPL-4
SAS Protocol Layer - 5 (SPL-5) Rev 15SPL-5
SCSI / ATA Translation (SAT) Rev 09SAT
SCSI / ATA Translation - 2 (SAT-2) Rev 09SAT-2
SCSI / ATA Translation - 3 (SAT-3) Rev 07SAT-3
SCSI / ATA Translation - 4 (SAT-4) Rev 06SAT-4
SCSI / ATA Translation - 5 (SAT-5) Rev 10SAT-5
SCSI Architecture Model - 2 (SAM-2) Rev 24SAM-2
SCSI Architecture Model - 4 (SAM-4) Rev 14SAM-4
SCSI Architecture Model - 5 (SAM-5) Rev 21SAM-5
SCSI Architecture Model - 6 (SAM-6) Rev 08SAM-6
SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Rev 16SBC-2
SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3) Rev 36SBC-3
SCSI Block Commands - 4 (SBC-4) Rev 22SBC-4
SCSI Controller Commands-2 (SCC-2) Rev 04SCC-2
SCSI Domain Validation (SDV) Rev 08bSDV
SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) Rev 08bSES
SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) - Amendment 1 Rev 01SES AM1
SCSI Enclosure Services - 2 (SES-2) Rev 20SES-2
SCSI Enclosure Services - 3 (SES-3) Rev 14SES-3
SCSI Enclosure Services - 4 (SES-4) Rev 05SES-4
SCSI Enhanced Parallel Interface (EPI) Technical Report Rev 16EPI
SCSI Fibre Channel Protocol - 2 (FCP-2) Rev 08FCP-2
SCSI Media Changer Commands - 2 (SMC-2) Rev 07SMC-2
SCSI Media Changer Commands - 3 (SMC-3) Rev 16SMC-3
SCSI Parallel Interface - 2 (SPI-2) Rev 20bSPI-2
SCSI Parallel Interface - 5 (SPI-5) Rev 06SPI-5
SCSI Passive Interconnect Performance (PIP) Rev 04PIP
SCSI Primary Commands - 2 (SPC-2) Rev 20SPC-2
SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Rev 23SPC-3
SCSI Primary Commands - 4 (SPC-4) Rev 37SPC-4
SCSI Primary Commands - 5 (SPC-5) Rev 22SPC-5
SCSI RDMA Protocol (SRP) Rev 16aSRP
SCSI RDMA Protocol - 2 (SRP-2) Rev 06SRP-2
SCSI Signal Modeling - 2 (SSM-2) Rev 05aSSM-2
SCSI Stream Commands - 2 (SSC-2) Rev 09SSC-2
SCSI Stream Commands - 3 (SSC-3) Rev 05SSC-3
SCSI Stream Commands - 4 (SSC-4) Rev 03SSC-4
SCSI Stream Commands - 5 (SSC-5) Rev 06SSC-5
SCSI Technical Information Bulletin #1 (Logging Operations) Rev eS2TIB1
SCSI Technical Information Bulletin #2 (Partition Mgmt) Rev eS2TIB2
SCSI over PCIe(r) architecture (SOP) Rev 05SOP
SCSI-2 Common Access Method Transport and SCSI Interface Module Rev 12bSCSI CAM
SCSI-3 Block Commands (SBC) Rev 08cSCSI3 SBC
SCSI-3 Media Changer Commands (SMC) Rev 10aSCSI3 SMC
SCSI-3 Stream Commands (SSC) Rev 22SCSI3 SSC
SSA Physical Layer 1 (SSA-PH1) Rev 09cSSA-PH1
SSA Physical Layer 2 (SSA-PH2) Rev 05bSSA-PH2
SSA SCSI-2 Protocol (SSA-S2P) Rev 07bSSA-S2P
SSA SCSI-3 Protocol (SSA-S3P) Rev 05bSSA-S3P
SSA Transport Layer 1 (SSA-TL1) Rev 10bSSA-TL1
SSA Transport Layer 2 (SSA-TL2) Rev 05bSSA-TL2
Security Features for SCSI Commands (SFSC) Rev 02SFSC
Serial Attached SCSI - 1.1 (SAS-1.1) Rev 10SAS-1.1
Serial Attached SCSI - 2 (SAS-2) Rev 16SAS-2
Serial Attached SCSI - 2.1 (SAS-2.1) Rev 07SAS-2.1
Serial Attached SCSI - 2.1 (SAS-2.1) Amendment #1 Rev 00SAS-2.1 AM1
Serial Attached SCSI - 3 (SAS-3) Rev 06SAS-3
Serial Attached SCSI - 4 (SAS-4) Rev 10bSAS-4
Serial Attached SCSI - 4.1 (SAS-4.1) Rev 04SAS-4.1
Serial Bus Protocol 2 (SBP-2) Rev 04SBP-2
Serial Bus Protocol 3 (SBP-3) Rev 05SBP-3
Small Computer System Interface - 2 (SCSI-2) Rev 10lSCSI-2
USB Attached SCSI (UAS) Rev 04UAS
USB Attached SCSI - 3 (UAS-3) Rev 05UAS-3
ZBC Amendment 1 Rev 00ZBC AM1
Zoned Block Commands (ZBC) Rev 05ZBC
Zoned Block Commands - 2 (ZBC-2) Rev 13ZBC-2
Withdrawn or Replaced
(Guests are not permitted to access these files)
Device Level Interface for Streaming Cartridge and Cassette Tape Drives (no electronic draft)TAPE SCTD
Enhanced Small Device Interface (ESDI) Rev 03aESDI
Fibre Channel Protocol - 3 (FCP-3) Rev 04FCP-3
Interfaces between flexible disk cartridges and their host controllers (no electronic draft)FlexDisk
SAS Protocol Layer (SPL) Rev 07SPL
SAS Protocol Layer (SPL) Amendment #1 (SPL AM1) Rev 01SPL AM1
SCSI Architecture Model - 3 (SAM-3) Rev 14SAM-3
SCSI Parallel Interface - 3 (SPI-3) Rev 14SPI-3
SCSI Parallel Interface - 4 (SPI-4) Rev 10SPI-4
SCSI Signal Modeling (SSM) Rev 05SSM
SCSI-3 Architecture Model (SAM) Rev 18SCSI3 SAM
SCSI-3 Controller Commands (SCC) Rev 06cSCSI3 SCC
SCSI-3 Fast-20 Parallel Interface (Fast-20) Rev 06Fast-20
SCSI-3 Generic Packetized Protocol Technical Report (GPP) Rev 09SCSI3 GPP
SCSI-3 Interlocked Protocol (SIP) Rev 10SCSI3 SIP
SCSI-3 Multimedia Commands (MMC) Rev 10aSCSI3 MMC
SCSI-3 Parallel Interface (SPI) Rev 15aSCSI3 SPI
SCSI-3 Parallel Interface Amendment (SPI AM1) Rev 04SPI AM1
SCSI-3 Primary Commands (SPC) Rev 11aSCSI3 SPC
Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) Rev 05SAS
Serial Bus Protocol (SBP) Rev 22aSCSI3 SBP
Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) (no electronic draft)SCSI
Storage Module Interfaces (SMD-E) (no electronic draft)SMD-E

T10 has 92 active projects, of which 84 projects are in maintenance mode.

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